Canadian Cyclist


April 7/05 11:12 am - Canmore Indoor Bike Race Series, North Shore Sport Awards, Alberta BMX Cup

Posted by Editoress on 04/7/05

Indoor Bike Race Series Final Canmore , Alberta.

Indoor Bike Race Series at LifeWorks Gym

Sunday April 10th 9:30 AM

16 KM Criterium Race
$8 per race

Race on your own bike using MultiRider Computrainers.
Every rider receives their race profile post race !!!
Points accumulated on a per race basis for overall Series prizes.

Riders bring their own bike. Racers hook their bikes to one of 6 Computrainers and race simultaneously, each rider experiences a varying resistance according to the terrain, wind direction, and body weight. Lifesize course is displayed for all riders to see the course, their position, and specific data such as speed and power output.

Organized races occur Sunday mornings, or riders can book the equipment for private groups races or rides.

Indoor races over the winter cover a wide variety of courses including hill climbs, sprints, and this week, a criterium.

LAST chance to join a Sunday indoor bike race is this weekend.

Please reserve you race spot at LifeWorks: 609-2019

Local Mountain Biker Has A "Hoots" At The 6th Annual North Shore Sport Awards

The North Shore Mountain Bike Events Society (NSMBES) is pleased to announce the winner of the inaugural North Shore Mountain Bike Community Stewardship Award.

Congratulations to local riding legend "Hoots" Jay Krantz, who accepted the honour Tuesday, April 5th during the 6th Annual North Shore Sport Awards.

"This is completely unexpected," said the surprised Krantz. "Thanks to the society for this award, and for helping to spread a positive message about mountain biking."

"We are proud to sponsor the North Shore Sports Awards," said NSMBES director Rose Melzer, "and it's great to be able to use our Legacy Fund to create this brand new award. It is fitting that the community stewardship award be given to Jay, as he has contributed so much to the mountain biking community on the North Shore."

"Hoots" is certainly well known for his free riding prowess on the Shore, and for his business acumen as the founder of Hoots riding gear, but he also finds time to run his own non-profit organization for youth, the Dirt Club.

"Jay gets young people excited about riding," says Melzer. "He also teaches them how to build and maintain safe dirt jump parks in their local communities. He has become a solid role model for our youth in the cycling community, and we wanted to recognize his efforts. So on behalf of the NSMBES, congratulations Jay on your fine work and on winning this inaugural award!"

The NSMBES is a not-for-profit organization established to guide dialogue and solutions for responsible and sustainable mountain biking on the North Shore, and the host of the 2005 North Shore Credit Union World Mountain Bike Festival & Conference (May 21st ˆ June 5th). For more information, visit

Alberta BMX Cup #1 Morley, AB - March 27, 2005

8 Expert Female
1. Victoria STINSON (Edmonton BMX)
2. Rachelle NIELSON
3. Vanessa HOOD (8NF) (Medicine Hat BMX)
4. Megan VICKERY (7NM) (St. Albert BMX)

9 Expert Female
1. Ilana JUST (Red Deer BMX)
2. Heather STINSON (Edmonton BMX)
3. Yvonne KINGSTON (Medicine Hat BMX)

10 Novice Female
1. Kendra VANDENHOVEN (Airdrie BMX)
2. Stephanie HOOD (Medicine Hat BMX)
3. Kassie DAVIES (Medicine Hat BMX)

11 Expert Female
1. Chelsea KINGSTON (Medicine Hat BMX)
2. Amelia GILLETT (Edmonton BMX)
3. Taylor DICK (10XF) (Calgary BMX)

12 Novice Female
1. Desirae LUPINO (Airdrie BMX)
2. Kaylee JACOBSON (Calgary BMX)
3. Joscelyn WILLIAMS (11NF) (Lethbridge BMX)

13 Expert Female
1. Abbey GRAALMAN (Red Deer BMX)
2. Kyra MCLEOD (Calgary BMX)
3. Kayla BEST (12XF) (Red Deer BMX)
4. Jennifer HARRINGTON (12XF) (Lethbridge BMX)
5. Megan REID (13NF) (Velocity Cycling Club)

14 Expert Female
1. Natasha VERGARA (Calgary BMX)
2. Megan FREW (Calgary BMX)
3. Amanda LAVORATO (14NF) (Lethbridge BMX)

15 Expert Female
1. Michilla NEGENMAN (Calgary BMX)
2. Sara TAYLOR (15NF) (Medicine Hat BMX)
3. Lindsay HARRINGTON (Lethbridge BMX)

Junior Female
1. Keriann BROWN (Airdrie BMX)
2. Amy BROWN (Airdrie BMX)
3. Lindsay EDWARDS (Airdrie BMX)

7 Novice Male
1. Matthew DYCK (Airdrie BMX)
2. Brodie KERFOOT (Calgary BMX)
3. Nolan LUNT (Red Deer BMX)
4. Jordan EIKENBERRY (Airdrie BMX)
5. Shane KOCH (Red Deer BMX)
6. Nolan DELAUW (5-6NM) (Lethbridge BMX)
7. Owen EIKENBERRY (5-6NM) (Airdrie BMX)

7 Intermediate Male
1. Joel QUENNELL (Airdrie BMX)
2. Jessie BOOTLAND (Airdrie BMX)
3. Keegan BROWN (Lethbridge BMX)
4. Nash SWEENEY (Calgary BMX)
5. Kirby PHILLIPS (Medicine Hat BMX)

7 Expert Male
1. Cody PRATT (Red Deer BMX)
2. Aidan MARTENS (Airdrie BMX)
3. Jordan GREEN (Airdrie BMX)

8 Intermediate Male
1. Taylor OTTERSON (Cochrane BMX)
2. James SEKORA (Red Deer BMX)
3. Brock YOUNG
4. Nathan PISTORE (Airdrie BMX)
5. Mitchell MUTTITT (Red Deer BMX)
6. Jesse PROFIT (Cochrane BMX)
7. Noah LACOSTE (Stony Plain BMX)

9 Intermediate Male
1. Braden KARISH (Airdrie BMX)
2. Brandon KOCH (Red Deer BMX)
3. Tavish STRIEMER (Airdrie BMX)

9 Expert Male
1. Stefan PACHECO (Airdrie BMX)
2. Tanner VANDENHOVEN (Airdrie BMX)
3. Bradley BERGSHOEFF (8XM) (Cochrane BMX)
4. Ross DELAUW (Lethbridge BMX)
5. Clay GEDDERT (Lethbridge BMX)
6. Brett SIEDERS (8XM) (Airdrie BMX)
7. Christian STRONACH (Calgary BMX)

10 Novice Male
1. Murray REID (Velocity Cycling Club)
2. Brett LESLIE (9NM) (Airdrie BMX)
3. Lance PHILLIPS (Cochrane BMX)
4. Joshua RITTER (9NM) (Lethbridge BMX)
5. Thomas CORSIATTO (Lethbridge BMX)
6. Kaden PESHKE (9XM) (Airdrie BMX)
7. Conner LUNGER (Calgary BMX)

10 Intermediate Male
1. Derek NEWMAN (Edmonton BMX)
2. Miles HARRIS (Cochrane BMX)
3. Nathan MOLANDER (Red Deer BMX)
4. Nicholas WILSON (Calgary BMX)
5. Owen NAKAMURA (Okotoks BMX)

10 Expert Male
1. Austin HIGGINS (Lethbridge BMX)
2. Tanor MILLIGAN (Red Deer BMX)
3. Mark BERNACKI (Airdrie BMX)
4. Tyson BEST (Red Deer BMX)
5. Austin VANDENHOVEN (Airdrie BMX)
6. Wayde DOCHUK (Stony Plain BMX)
7. Isaac NILES (Okotoks BMX)
8. Kyle SIEDERS (Airdrie BMX)
9. Ryley IRVING (Medicine Hat BMX)

11 Intermediate Male
1. Chase STEWART (Airdrie BMX)
2. Cameron SVENSHEK (Stony Plain BMX)
3. Dylan KOCH (Red Deer BMX)
4. Matthew PIDHIRNEY (Red Deer BMX)
5. Devon VICKERY (St. Albert BMX)
6. Kyle GANNON (Edmonton BMX)

11 Expert Male
1. Rob HERRIMAN (Airdrie BMX)
2. Timothy PRATT (Red Deer BMX)
3. Thomas PISTORE (Airdrie BMX)
4. Aaron WIGHT (Okotoks BMX)
5. Zachary BURKE (Airdrie BMX)
6. Justin IRVING (Medicine Hat BMX)
7. Quinn WORKMAN (Lethbridge BMX)
8. Cameron LAVORATO (Lethbridge BMX)

12 Novice Male
1. Brian REINHARDT (Cochrane BMX)
2. Dayton PETERSON (11NM) (Airdrie BMX)
3. Taylor PHILLIPS (Medicine Hat BMX)
4. Corbin LUNGER (Stony Plain BMX)
5. Nic WILLIAMS (Lethbridge BMX)

12 Intermediate Male
1. Brandon KERIK (Airdrie BMX)
2. Alex HAGEL (Airdrie BMX)
3. Tavis STEWART (Airdrie BMX)
4. Jake ADAMS (Airdrie BMX)
5. Garry GRIFFIN (Red Deer BMX)
6. Brandon MOLANDER (Red Deer BMX)
7. Bryan BULLIVANT (Calgary BMX)
8. Nathan STOREY (Airdrie BMX)

12 Expert Male
1. Simon MEILI (Airdrie BMX)
2. Jason LUPINO (Airdrie BMX)
3. Adam BOURNS (Calgary BMX)
4. Cody NEGENMAN (Calgary BMX)
5. Taylor MILLIGAN (Red Deer BMX)
6. Ryan SPRACKLIN (Edmonton BMX)

13 Intermediate Male
1. Cameron HELM (Okotoks BMX)
2. Adam ANDERSON (Edmonton BMX)
3. Bryan RICHARDSON (Lethbridge BMX)
4. Duncan PAWSON (Cochrane BMX)

13 Expert Male
1. Cameron QUENNELL (Airdrie BMX)
2. Omar BAINTO (Airdrie BMX)
3. Erick NICOL (Calgary BMX)
4. Dillon SWEENEY (Airdrie BMX)
5. Josh WOOLMAN (Red Deer BMX)
6. Ry KIEHL (Calgary BMX)

14 Novice Male
1. David REINHARDT (Cochrane BMX)
2. Dylan PETERSON (Airdrie BMX)
3. Aaron JAMES (13NM) (Airdrie BMX)

14 Intermediate Male
1. Alex VANDENHOVEN (Airdrie BMX)
2. Kaila SWEENEY (16XF) (Airdrie BMX)
3. Kristen RICHARDSON (16XF) (Lethbridge BMX)
4. Jesse BASIUK (Airdrie BMX)

14 Expert Male
1. Alexander SAILER (Airdrie BMX)
2. Kayd HERRIMAN (Airdrie BMX)
3. Brandon BROWN (Calgary BMX)
5. Kyle PERRY (Edmonton BMX)
6. Derek HOWIE (Calgary BMX)
7. Eric ST. PIERRE (Airdrie BMX)
8. Jordan KAY (Calgary BMX)
9. Travis MORROW (Okotoks BMX)

15 Intermediate Male
1. Brett JAMES (15NM) (Airdrie BMX)
2. Tyler PAGET (Okotoks BMX)
3. Kail PAWSON (Cochrane BMX)
4. Nickolas GULKA (15NM) (Medicine Hat BMX)

15 Expert Male
1. Scott BERNACKI (Airdrie BMX)
2. Logan STEPHENSON (Airdrie BMX)
3. Jeffrey JACOBSEN (Calgary BMX)
4. Kain TETZ (Red Deer BMX)
5. Walter URBAT (Cochrane BMX)
6. Curtis ENGLISH (Stony Plain BMX)

16 Expert Male
1. James BROWN (Airdrie BMX)
2. Michael BAILEY (16NM) (Okotoks BMX)
3. Graham SHEPHERD (Cochrane BMX)
4. Jordan ABRAHAMSON (Airdrie BMX)
5. Justin STEWART (Edmonton BMX)
6. Levi VANCE (16IM) (Red Deer BMX)

Junior Male
1. Justin GUNDLOCK (Lethbridge BMX)
2. Cody BELL (Airdrie BMX)
3. Matt YOISTEN (Okotoks BMX)
4. Jesse KOWALL (St. Albert BMX)
5. Lori SMITH (EF) (Okotoks BMX)
6. Christine QUENNELL (EF) (Airdrie BMX)

Elite Male
1. Damian BISSETT (Calgary BMX)
2. Evan MCCLESSAND (Calgary BMX)
3. Kenny ARTHUR (17-29XM) (Calgary BMX)
4. Neil FLUET (Edmonton BMX)
5. Trent BATCHELOR (Calgary BMX)
6. Christopher NAKAMURA (Okotoks BMX)

30+ Expert Male
1. Brett GUNDLOCK (17-29XM) (Lethbridge BMX)
2. Darren WILLIAMS (Lethbridge BMX)
3. Joshua FOREMAN (17-29XM) (Calgary BMX)

Cruiser 17 to 29 Male
1. Justin STEWART (15-16MC) (Edmonton BMX)
2. Dillon SWEENEY (13-14MC) (Airdrie BMX)
3. Ryan NEGERNMAN (Calgary BMX)

Cruiser 35 to 39 Male
1. Jody JACOBSEN (Calgary BMX)
2. Dean BEST (Red Deer BMX)
3. Brian OTTERSON (Cochrane BMX)
4. Lon KERFOOT (Calgary BMX)
6. Kelly DOUGLAS (Calgary BMX)
7. Corey NEWMAN (Edmonton BMX)
8. Darcy JUST (Red Deer BMX)

Cruiser 45+ Male
1. Malcolm STINSON (Edmonton BMX)
2. Tony FLUET (40-44MC) (Edmonton BMX)
3. Rod KIEHL (Calgary BMX)
4. Mark SHEPHERD (40-44MC) (Cochrane BMX)
5. Larry CORSIATTO (Red Deer BMX)
6. Larry WILISON (Calgary BMX)

Cruiser 14 to 18 Female
1. Lindsay EDWARDS (Airdrie BMX)
2. Kaila SWEENEY (Airdrie BMX)
3. Wendy VANDENHOVEN (30+FC) (Airdrie BMX)
4. Abbey GRAALMAN (Red Deer BMX)

Open Elite Cruiser
1. Damian BISSETT (Calgary BMX)
2. Neil FLUET (Edmonton BMX)
3. Neil SORENSEN (Red Deer BMX)
4. Christopher NAKAMURA (Okotoks BMX)
5. Trent BATCHELOR (Calgary BMX)
6. Jeff INGRAM (The Bike Shop)
7. Lori SMITH (Okotoks BMX)


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