Canadian Cyclist


April 8/05 9:53 am - Jim Crosscombe Receives Award, Forest City Velodrome Opener Postponed

Posted by Editoress on 04/8/05

Syl Apps Special Achievement Award for Jim Crosscombe
Courtesy OCA

The Government of Ontario and the Sport Alliance of Ontario are pleased to announce Jim Crosscombe was one of the recipients for the 2004 Syl Apps Special Achievement Award.

This award was presented at the 38th Ontario Sport Awards in a ceremony at the Ontario Science Centre, Thursday April 7th, 2005.

The Syl Apps Special Achievement Award, named after the legendary Toronto Maple Leaf captain and 1936 Olympian, honours Ontario's best sport volunteers and administrators. Mr. Apps also sat in the Ontario Legislature and was a life-long campaigner for Ontario's young people and for healthy living.

Jim received this award for his dedicated and tireless efforts leading the OCA as volunteer President for the past six years.

Forest City Velodrome Opening Race Postponed
Courtesy Rob Good

As many of you know, the opening night of April 16th was the date Albert & I were shooting for to open up the Forest City Velodrome with exciting Nas-track Madison & London Track League Racing.

The good news is that the sub - structure for the new Velodrome in London Ontario is 99% complete, today we were doing the finishing touches on the track in preparation for laying of the riding surface.

Unfortunately the bad news is that the plywood did not arrive at our self imposed deadline of 4pm Thursday and is not to be delivered before Tuesday of next week. The craftsmen will not have enough time to complete their work and give us time to get riders trained on the track. The riders who would be competing have lots of track experience we felt that by postponing the opening 1 week we could safely bring all the racers up to speed. We did not want to have any mishaps on the track because of lack of riding time for the opener.

Albert & I apologize for anyone who may have made special arrangements to attend the racing on the 16th, however I'm sure you all understand that we are at the mercy of the Manufacturer of the plywood.

The rescheduled date for the opening night of racing is Saturday April 23rd, 7 PM start time.

Saturday April 9th Facility Clean-up:

This weekend there is a work detail at the facility beginning at 9 am Saturday to finish painting the grandstand seats & general clean-up, If you are in London drop by and lend a hand for a couple of hours.

Sorry about the delay, it's only 1 week. Not bad considering the project began December 18th.


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