Canadian Cyclist


April 10/05 2:49 am - Ryder Hesjedal Post Paris-Roubaix

Posted by Editor on 04/10/05

Ryder Hesjedal Post Paris-Roubiax Interview

We spoke briefly with Ryder Hesjedal a few minutes ago after he finished his first Paris-Roubaix with the Discovery team (whose leader George Hincapie finished second to Tom Boonen (Quick.Step). The official results show Hesjedal as a DNF, but he assures us that he did finish.

CC - So how are you feeling?

RH - I haven't really felt like this before ... I did the last 50 kilometres by myself - I had some stomach problems, had to slow down, stop at the side of the road a couple of times, ride at my own pace. We were at the front all day, wanted to put on a big presence for George. I gave my wheel to Leif (Hoste) when he punctured. I was in the front peloton with them. I felt pretty good, I was right in the mix until the break (when Hincapie, Boonen and others went on the race-winning move). It was pretty unbelievable out there.

CC - So, you did finish?

RH - Yeah, I hope they classify me - I rode around the velodrome (where the finish is), and they announced my name. I know I finished.

CC - This is the biggest road race you have ever done - what was it like?

RH - It's the biggest one day that there is, it is just different from any other race. Just for me to finish was unbelievable, to make it was huge. Being alone pounding on the cobbles ... the fans are out there cheering, they're not dissing any rider who can do it. I needed to push through to get the miles, get used to doing that distance.

CC - You have ridden some cobbles before, but riding them in Paris-Roubaix is different?

RH - The cobbles ... it is insane, full speed. You are always fighting, always at the limit, even before the cobbles. The short sections, 500 metres aren't so bad, over pretty quick, but some sections are 2K, 3K, 4K long ... Just have to stay composed.

CC - How does the pounding comparing to mountain biking?

RH - There is no comparison. There really isn't any pounding in mountain biking, you get sheken up, but you aren't on the saddle taking the pounding from every crevice of the cobbles for 7 hours.

CC - Where does it hurt the most?

RH - I don't know yet, just exhaustion right now. I guess I will know tomorrow. (laughs)

Hesjedal will be racing again on Wednesday (Scheldeprijs Vlaanderen), and then a few days off before getting ready for Amstel Gold, Fleche Wallonne and Liege-Bastogne-Liege. Ryder also said that Michael Barry abandoned, as planned "He has been doing a lot of races, and needs to prepare for Georgia."


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