Canadian Cyclist


April 11/05 9:22 am - Ontario Road Cup #1 Results

Posted by Editoress on 04/11/05

Road Ontario Cup #1 April 10, Mosport Raceway
Courtesy Rob Naish

Over 460 riders came out in beautiful conditions to race at the fourth annual Ontario Cup Classic at Mosport International Raceway. The event was the first stop in the SISU Ontario Cup Road Series.

Thank you to our sponsors: SISU,, Bicycles Plus,, PeakXL, Pearl Izumi, Mill Valley Natural Spring Water, Tifosi Optics and HammerBar.

Also a big thank you to all the volunteers and all the people from the Cobourg Cycling Club and Peterborough CC for turning up to land a hand. We hope to see everyone back for the August 1st Cobourg Cycling Club Grand Prix of Mosport.

Senior 1-2 Men (120 KM)
1. Andrew Randell (JetFuel - SR2M)2:59:15
2. Matthew Bonin (Whole Foods/Suburban Homes - SR1M)2:59:25
3. Giuliano Giusseppe (JetFuel - SR2M)3:01:04
4. Chris Isaac (Italpasta - Transport Belmire - SR1M)s.t.
5. Aaron Fillion (Ottawa Bicycle Club - SR1W)s.t.
6. Nathan Chown (Italpasta - Transport Belmire - SR1M)3:01:06
7. Luc Dionne (CIBC-Wood Gundy - SR2M)s.t.
8. Charly Vives (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)s.t.
9. Ryan Roth ( - SR1M)s.t.
10. Peter Morse (Chain Reaction - SR1M)s.t.
11. Daniel Maggiacomo (Italpasta - Transport Belmire - SR1M)s.t.
12. Bryan Rusche (Cyclissimo - SR2M)3:01:09
13. Brooke Boocock (Cycle Logik Racing - SR2M)3:01:21
14. Graydon Raymer ( Seasons Sport - SR2M)3:01:38
15. Maxime Vives (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)3:01:40
16. Martin Lazarski (Rocky Mountain Business Objects - SR1M)3:01:42
17. Kevan Cranmer (Freewheel Cycle - SR2M)s.t.
18. Adam McClonie (Maple leaf cycling - SR2M)s.t.
19. Bruce Krip (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - SR1M)s.t.
20. Matthew Guse ( - SR2M)s.t.
21. Robert Mann (KHS Bicycles Canada - SR2M)3:01:47
22. Patrick Shea (KHS Bicycles Canada - SR1M)s.t.
23. Jason Valenti ( Seasons Sport - SR1M)s.t.
24. Tim Carleton (Sport Swap Racing - SR2M)s.t.
25. Adam Wade (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - SR1M)3:02:16
26. Yves Lefebvre (equipcycliste st - jean - SR2M)3:02:50
27. Tristan Galbraith (Thunder Bay Cycling Club/Kona B - SR2M)3:03:31
28. Thorben Wieditz (Pavan Cycling Club - SR1M)3:03:32
29. Ed Maset (Pavan Cycling Club - SR1M)s.t.
30. Chris Atkins (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - SR1M)3:04:47
31. Brandon Crichton (Italpasta - Transport Belmire - SR2M)s.t.
32. Jason Skalski (Prefered Care - SR2M)s.t.
33. Tyler Holtzman (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR2M)3:05:56
34. Paul Telisman (Independent - SR2M)3:09:08
34. Carl Desroches (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)s.t.
36. Shane Lavell (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR2M)3:11:45
37. Benjamin Jamesson (Shickluna - SR2M)s.t.
38. John Fee (Velocity Racing - SR2M)s.t.
39. Michael Moore ( - SR1M)s.t.
40. #439 s.t.
41. Malcolm Munro (Pavan Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
42. Danny Souter ( 99.5 - SR2M)s.t.
43. Marc-Wayne Addison (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)s.t.
44. Kevin Mahoney (Handlebars - SR2M)s.t.
45. Kerry Abols (Sudbury Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
46. Josh Hall (JetFuel - SR2M)s.t.
47. Adam Morka (Team Hardwood - SR2M)s.t.
48. John Malois (CIBC-Wood Gundy - SR2M)s.t.
49. Rob Rice (Sudbury Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
50. Matt Forfar (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
51. John Van arragon (The Hub Bicycle Club - SR2M)s.t.
52. Nick Rowe (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)s.t.
53. Paul Rego ( Seasons Sport - SR1M)s.t.
54. Allistair Howard (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)s.t.
55. Wayne Tomkins (Maple leaf cycling - SR2M)s.t.
56. Craig Deveer ( - SR1M)s.t.
57. Michael Dennis (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
58. Greg Roth (Italpasta - Transport Belmire - SR1M)s.t.
59. Dave Vukets ( - SR2M)s.t.
60. James Wadden (Pavan Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
61. Joe Lepine (Bicycles Plus - SR2M)s.t.
62. Andrew MacDonald (Pavan Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
63. Kyle Smith (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - SR2M)s.t.
64. John Roden (Shickluna - SR2M)s.t.
OTL. Heath Cockburn (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - SR2M)
OTL. Kevin Speacht (Cavern Cycles-Sneaky Dees - SR2M)
OTL. Jeffrey Hansen (Italpasta - Transport Belmire - SR1M)
OTL. Matt Hansen (JetFuel - SR2M)
OTL. Chris Helwig ( Seasons Sport - SR2M)
OTL. Myles Cullen (Independant - SR2M)
OTL. Kevin Black (Cavern Cycles-Sneaky Dees - SR2M)
OTL. Jp Stickle (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR2M)
OTL. Jason Rody (Arrow Racing - SR2M)
OTL. Ed Makarchuk (KHS Bicycles Canada - SR2M)
OTL. Attila Hajdu (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - SR2M)
OTL. Adam Thuss ( - SR2M)
OTL. Hugues Lapointe (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)
OTL. Ian Manning (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - SR2M)
OTL. J-sébastien Lareau (CIBC-Wood Gundy - SR2M)
OTL. Andrew Leach (SG/Espoirs Laval - SR1M)
OTL. Robert Klinshaw (Shickluna - SR2M)
OTL. Adam Garlapow (Shickluna - SR1M)
Senior/Master/Jr-W (68 KM)
1. Leigh Hobson (Diet Cheerwine - SR1W)2:05:01
2. Amy Moore (Victory Brewing - SR1W)s.t.
3. Sue Trimble ( - SR2W)2:05:05
4. Julia Farell (Wheels of Bloor - SR1W)2:05:27
5. Anna Tratnyek (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - SR2W)s.t.
6. Heather Logan (Multi-Laser Racing - SR3W)2:05:29
7. Emily Batty ( - SR2W)s.t.
8. Chloe Black (Team Terry - SR1W)s.t.
9. Melissa Chappel (J and J / Tabasco - SR3W)s.t.
10. Julie Hutsebaut (Terry Precision - SR1W)s.t.
11. Rebecca Nelson (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - SR3W)s.t.
12. Wendy Blagdon (Velocity Racing - MW)s.t.
13. Kathy Lewis (Multi-Laser Racing - MW)s.t.
14. Amanda Sin (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - SR2W)s.t.
15. Celine Foreht (Sporting Life - SR2W)s.t.
16. Amanda Shaw (Team Biovail/Cervelo - SR2W)s.t.
17. Nada Pasko (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - SR3W)s.t.
18. Tracy Vincze (Team Biovail/Cervelo - SR2W)s.t.
19. Lesley Chown (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR3W)s.t.
20. Jessica Spence (Cavern Cycles-Sneaky Dees - SR3W)2:05:35
21. Maogosha Pyjor (Wheels of Bloor - SR2W)2:06:12
22. Joanne Uhlmann (Team R.A.C.E. - MW)2:06:34
23. Lisa O'connor (Team CycleFit - SR3W)s.t.
24. Anna Garnett (Team Biovail/Cervelo - SR2W)2:06:48
25. Sandy Thayer (Midweek Cycling Club - MW)2:07:13
26. Lisa Woodside (Coach - MW)2:07:25
27. Anne Guzman (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - SR3W)2:07:40
28. Geneviève Pellerin (Independent - SR3W)2:07:46
29. Helen Paterson (Groundwear/Cyclepower - SR3W)2:08:08
30. Kathy Eggenberger (Peterborough Cycling Club - SR3W)2:08:46
31. Marie-Claude Paquette (St Catharines Cycling Club - MW)2:09:11
32. Jennifer D'Aoust (Team CycleFit - SR3W)s.t.
33. Corinne Roos (London Centennial Wheelers - MW)2:09:14
34. Caitlin Dmitriew (Independent - SR3W)s.t.
35. Michelle Gauthier (Team CycleFit - MW)2:09:18
36. Adrienne Desjardine (Team R.A.C.E. - SR3W)2:09:38
37. Heather Davidson (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - SR3W)2:12:19
38. Kelly Bietola (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - SR3W)2:13:33
39. Mary-Ellen Ash (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - SR2W)2:14:27
40. Diana Joness (Elite Racing Accociation - SR2W)2:14:28
41. Ireen Wieditz (Wheels of Bloor - SR3W)s.t.
42. Sylvie D'Aoust (Team CycleFit - MW)2:17:19
43. Catherine Campbell (Team CycleFit - SR3W)2:17:21
44. Andrea Bacik (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MW)2:17:47
45. Cherilee Garofano (Team R.A.C.E. - MW)2:18:01
46. Heather Morrissey (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - SR2W)2:21:53
47. Charlotte Batty (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - JRW)2:22:26
48. Margot Hall (Team CycleFit - SR3W)2:23:28
49. Kaitlin Michener (Arrow racing - JRW)2:27:23
50. Celeste Merey (independant - SR3W)2:33:08
51. Melissa Jones (Independent - JRW)2:46:52
OTL. Rosie Garlapow (Terry Precision - SR1W)
OTL. Krista Ruby (Independent - JRW)
OTL. Stephanie Adams (Arrow Racing - JRW)
OTL. Erin Walker (Velocity Racing - SR3W)
OTL. Dorene Huebel (Independent - SR3W)
OTL. Tara Baker (McMaster Cycling Club - SR3W)
OTL. Karuna Govind (D'ornellas Racing Team - MW)
Cadet Women
48 KM
1. Celeste Jones-Baumgardt (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - CADF)
Senior 3/Junior Men (72 KM)
1. William Goodfellow (National SG Espoirs Laval - JRM)1:53:14
2. Damian Kurzawinski (Vaughan Midweek - SR3M)s.t.
3. Alexandre Charest (Véloclub Longueuil - JRM)s.t.
4. Mathieu Boudier-Reveret (CIBC-Wood Gundy - JRM)s.t.
5. Eric Robertson (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - SR3M)s.t.
6. James MacDonald (Newmarket Eagles - SR3M)s.t.
7. Aaron Combdon (Bicycles Plus - SR3M)s.t.
8. Ryan Hodgkinson (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - SR3M)s.t.
9. Ed Veal (Newmarket Eagles - SR3M)s.t.
10. Shawn Clarke (The Cyclery - SR3M)s.t.
11. Jeremy Rethazy (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
12. Erich Baumhard (Independent - SR3M)s.t.
13. Craig Browne ( Seasons Sport - JRM)s.t.
14. Stephane Deshaies (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
15. Paul Venturelli (Vaughan Midweek - SR3M)s.t.
16. Marco Li (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - SR3M)s.t.
17. Isaac Smith (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
18. Chris Van beurden (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - SR3M)s.t.
19. Mathew Bell (Hardwood Hills - JRM)s.t.
20. ?? s.t.
21. Chris Saunders (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
22. Andrew Lees (Velocity Racing - SR3M)s.t.
23. David McDonnell (Newmarket Eagles - SR3M)s.t.
24. Fred Perez ( - SR3M)s.t.
25. Peter Meier (J and J / Tabasco - SR3M)s.t.
26. Jamey Gildiner (Vaughan Midweek - SR3M)s.t.
27. #745 s.t.
28. Thomas Foster (Independant - JRM)s.t.
29. Kevin Hazzard (Hamilton Cycling Club - JRM)s.t.
30. Keith Goudd (Waterloo Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
31. Charlie Bryer (Independent - JRM)s.t.
32. David Campbell (Oakville Race Team - SR3M)s.t.
33. Matthew Paziuk (Team Hardwood - SR3M)s.t.
34. Neil Johnson (Ottawa Bicycle Club - SR3M)s.t.
35. Andrew Wilson (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - JRM)s.t.
36. Pavle Stanojevic (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - SR3M)s.t.
37. Jared Whiteside ( - SR3M)s.t.
38. Jason Duffy (independent - SR3M)s.t.
39. Michael Chouster (Sweet Pete's - SR3M)s.t.
40. Jarrod Forrest ( - SR3M)s.t.
41. Zach Winn (Impala Bicycles - JRM)s.t.
42. Mark Robinson (Newmarket Eagles - SR3M)s.t.
43. Richard Bell (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - JRM)s.t.
44. Collin Howard ( - JRM)s.t.
45. Bob Hayes (Pavan cycling - SR3M)s.t.
46. Keith Moore (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - SR3M)s.t.
47. Dave Kervin (Peterborough Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
48. Shawn Cranwell (independent - SR3M)s.t.
49. Jim Kuz (independent - SR3M)s.t.
50. Kaesy Gladwin (Sudbury Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
51. Charlie Gorman (Velocity Racing - SR3M)s.t.
52. Khaled Maalouf (CIBC-Wood Gundy - SR3M)s.t.
53. Badin Scheverg (Independent - SR3M)s.t.
54. #371 s.t.
55. Alex Korten (St Catharines Cycling Club - JRM)s.t.
56. Alexander Fulton (Ottawa Bicycle Club - SR3M)s.t.
57. Scott Lindow (D'ornellas Racing Team - SR3M)s.t.
58. Andrew Wilson (independent - SR3M)s.t.
59. Chris Freeland (Independent - SR3M)s.t.
60. Justin Steeds (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - SR3M)s.t.
61. Andrew Laviolette (Hardwood Hills - JRM)s.t.
62. Kelvin Cheung (J and J / Tabasco - SR3M)s.t.
63. Derek Beirnes (Team Hardwood - JRM)s.t.
64. Cory Hancock (Bay Cycle / 3 Rox Racing - JRM)s.t.
65. Scott Kelly (McMaster Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
66. John Grootveld (Pavan - SR3M)s.t.
67. Andrew Yorke (Independent - JRM)s.t.
68. Warren MacDonald (J and J / Tabasco - SR3M)s.t.
69. Darko Antic ( - SR3M)s.t.
70. Darren English (Midweek - JRM)s.t.
71. Jonathan Prosser (Hamilton Cycling Club - JRM)s.t.
72. Adam Bradshaw (Team Hardwood - JRM)s.t.
73. David St-James (independent - SR3M)s.t.
74. Jason Leblanc (independent - SR3M)s.t.
75. Paul Graham (Sudbury Cycling Club - SR3M)s.t.
76. Darryl McGrath (Independant - JRM)s.t.
OTL. Mark Hinnen (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - JRM)
OTL. Sean MacCormack (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - JRM)
OTL. Sebastian Porten (Independent - JRM)
OTL. Kris Lysionek ( - JRM)
OTL. Mike Flavell (Cycle Logik Racing - JRM)
OTL. Ryan Stabler (Peterborough Cycling Club - SR3M)
OTL. Chris McKie (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR3M)
OTL. Garth Logan (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - SR3M)
OTL. Chris Ivey ( - SR3M)
OTL. Michel Ray (independent - SR3M)
OTL. David Conroy (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - SR3M)
OTL. Andrew Cross (Elite Racing Association - SR3M)
OTL. Andrew Fell (Waterloo Cycling Club - SR3M)
OTL. Shawn Benard (St Catharines Cycling Club - SR3M)
OTL. William Fu (independent - SR3M)
OTL. Doug Fraser (Cavern Cycles-Sneaky Dees - SR3M)
OTL. Jimmy Brennan (Independent - SR3M)
DNF. Luc Mahler (A.O. Bikes and Boards racing - JRM)
DNF. Alex Mannapso (St Catharines Cycling Club - JRM)
DNF. Darryl McGrath (Independant - JRM)
DNF. Greg Wells (Pavan - SR3M)
DNF. James Kupka (Indpendent - SR3M)
DNF. Ernesto Alvarez (Cavern Cycles-Sneaky Dees - SR3M)
DNF. Duncan Salisbury (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - SR3M)
DNF. Mike Andres (independent - SR3M)
DNF. Ian Jarvis (McMaster Cycling Club - SR3M)
DNF. Tim Gale ( Seasons Sport - SR3M)
DNF. Shane Hollingshead (independent - SR3M)
DNF. Tim Reid (Multi-Laser Racing - SR3M)
DNF. Mike Medland (Cyclissimo - SR3M)
DNF. Alex Bhogal (Sweet Pete's - SR3M)
DQ. Dale Beaton (BikeRace Ottawa - JRM)
DQ. Geoff O'Toole (Cyclesmith - JRM)
Master-A (72 KM)
1. Paolo Eugeni (Reynold Koolini Racing Team - MA)1:53:00
2. Steve Heck (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
3. Howard Knapp (Impala Bicycles - MA)s.t.
4. Stuart McKay (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MA)s.t.
5. Gerard Yeates (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
6. David Gazsi (Cycle Logik Racing - MA)s.t.
7. Nick Dwyer (Reynold Koolini Racing Team - MA)s.t.
8. Robert Chiocca (Aquila Racing - MA)s.t.
9. Carlos Barros (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - MA)s.t.
10. W. Drew Robertson (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
11. Chris Bartholomew (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
12. Barry Reid (Independent - MA)s.t.
13. Tim Blackwell (Aztech/Cyclepath - MA)s.t.
14. Rhys Spencer (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - MA)s.t.
15. Charlie Squires (Westhaven Homes - MA)s.t.
16. Jazon Fitzssinnons (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
17. Craig Burge (Independent - MA)s.t.
18. Derek D'Angelo (Sudbury Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
19. Paul Greene ( - MA)s.t.
20. Jason Vincze (KHS Bicycles Canada - MA)s.t.
21. Jacob Sauer (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
22. John Pucic (D'ornellas Racing Team - MA)s.t.
23. Benedict Ayson (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MA)s.t.
24. Gord Woolley (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MA)s.t.
25. Dan Dolan (Elite Racing Association - MA)s.t.
26. Eric Crudeli (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MA)s.t.
27. Scott Wood (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
28. Rob West (Independent - MA)s.t.
29. Bobby Mrvelj (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MA)s.t.
30. Zac Wheeler (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
31. Kris Tobias (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
32. Jon Barnes (Hardwood Hills - MA)s.t.
33. Henry Dudko (Independent - MA)s.t.
34. Craig Hawkes (The Cyclery - MA)s.t.
35. Tom Howell (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
36. Vernon Chant (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
37. Paul Salvo (Lanterne Rouge - MA)s.t.
38. Rob Sidhu (Independent - MA)s.t.
39. Jim Brogden (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
40. Dave Johnston (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
41. Patrick Dooling (Independent - MA)s.t.
42. Roberto Zuech (Reynold Koolini Racing Team - MA)s.t.
43. Martin Ray (Elite Racing Accociation - MA)s.t.
44. Claudio Buffone (Pavan Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
45. Zachary Steinman (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
46. ?? s.t.
47. Paul Skafel ( - MA)s.t.
48. #18 s.t.
49. ?? s.t.
50. Scott Coulas (Elite Racing Association - MA)s.t.
51. ?? s.t.
52. Kelly Smith (Lanterne Rouge - MA)s.t.
53. Curtis Gloade (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
54. ?? s.t.
55. Keith Peck (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
56. Dave Scott (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
57. John Wiman (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MA)s.t.
58. William Kowalczyk (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - MA)s.t.
59. Jeffery Chow (Reynold Koolini Racing Team - MA)s.t.
60. Steve Holditch (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)s.t.
62. Joseph Torchia (Westhaven Homes - MA)s.t.
63. Stephen Craig (Independent - MA)s.t.
64. Mark Goveia (Reynold Koolini Racing Team - MA)s.t.
65. ?? s.t.
66. ?? s.t.
67. ?? s.t.
68. ?? s.t.
69. Carlos Goncalves (Westhaven Homes - MA)s.t.
70. Chris Kiziak (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MA)s.t.
71. ?? s.t.
72. Scott Bentley (Elite Racing Association - MA)s.t.
73. Ka-hung Law (Aztech/Cyclepath - MA)s.t.
74. Terry Dean (Impala Bicycles - MA)s.t.
75. David Woodfine (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
76. Stephen Partridge (Independent - MA)s.t.
77. Kelly Boucher (Lanterne Rouge - MA)s.t.
78. Paul MacNeil (Independent - MA)s.t.
79. Bill Dee (Lanterne Rouge - MA)s.t.
80. Oliver Meyn (Lanterne Rouge - MA)s.t.
81. Scott Murison (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
82. Tom Villano (Sport Swap Racing - MA)s.t.
83. Paul Amaral (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MA)s.t.
84. Jason Kocho (Bicycles Pros - MA)s.t.
85. Jason Coulson (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MA)s.t.
86. Ugo Garneau (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MA)s.t.
87. #389 s.t.
88. Greg Dyche (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)s.t.
OTL. Chris Kraemer (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)
OTL. Don Andrews (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)
OTL. Dave Dame (Independent - MA)
OTL. Jeremy Tucker (Runner's Life - MA)
OTL. Kevin Simms (Hardwood Hills - MA)
OTL. Mathew Berridge (Independent - MA)
OTL. Darryl Kielec (Independent - MA)
OTL. Gregory Moore (independent - MA)
OTL. Sean Wakefield (Ride With Rendall - MA)
OTL. Todd Wood (Independent - MA)
OTL. Blair Walker (Independent - MA)
OTL. Mike Van Til (Independent - MA)
OTL. Chris Cavacuiti (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MA)
OTL. Steven Alexander (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MA)
OTL. Chris Wood (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MA)
OTL. Paul Takeda (Lanterne Rouge - MA)
OTL. Dave Rudnicki (Independent - MA)
OTL. Matt Parnell (Peterborough Cycling Club - MA)
OTL. Lorne Anderson (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - MA)
OTL. Robert Fletcher (La Bicicletta - J Lindeberg - MA)
OTL. David Woolley (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MA)
OTL. Cary Moretti (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MA)
OTL. Jeff Sharabayani (Neworld Cycle - MA)
OTL. Michael Field (Independent - MA)
OTL. Gregory Wellman (Lanterne Rouge - MA)
OTL. Paul Dean (Westhaven Homes - MA)
DNF. Scott Patterson (Independent - MA)
DNF. Graham Knowles (Independent - MA)
DNF. Roberto Vani (Reynold Koolini Racing Team - MA)
DNF. Anthony Simpson (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Club - MA)
DNF. Don Magie (Independent - MA)
DNF. West Edwards (Aztech/Cyclepath - MA)
Master B-C-D (72 KM)
1. Hamish Gordon (Team R.A.C.E. - MB)1:49:53
2. Kevin Davis (Independent - MB)1:50:53
3. David Pierce (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MB)1:50:54
4. Mauro Martini (Pavan Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
5. Mirek Mazur (Vaughn Midweek - MB)s.t.
6. Marc Polsinelli (Pavan Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
7. Tony Abramavicius (Vaughan Midweek - MB)s.t.
8. Ed Campbell (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
9. James Layfield (Team R.A.C.E - MB)s.t.
10. Ed Renkema (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
11. Lorne Cunliffe (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MB)s.t.
12. Robert Sule (Chain Reaction - MB)s.t.
13. Jon Gee (Multi-Laser Racing - MB)s.t.
14. Greg Cushing (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)s.t.
15. Steve Copeland (London Centennial Wheelers - MB)s.t.
16. Malcolm Eade (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)s.t.
17. Jonathan Boocock (Cycle Logik Racing - MB)s.t.
18. Mike Viel (Pavan Cycling Club - MC)s.t.
19. Phill Vermette (Midweek Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
20. Augy Marmelo (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MB)s.t.
21. Bob Steer ( Seasons Sport - MC)s.t.
22. Paul Devries (Team race - MB)s.t.
22. Andrew Stewart (Team Biovail/Cervelo - MB)s.t.
24. Michel Gauvin (CIBC-Wood Gundy - MB)s.t.
25. Brad Nickorick (Oakville Race Team - MB)s.t.
26. Brian Taborek (Independent - MB)s.t.
27. Andy Dickison (Independent - MB)s.t.
28. Alex Pond (Vaughan MidWeek - MB)s.t.
29. Mark Shaw (Chain Reaction - MB)s.t.
30. Mark Summers (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MB)s.t.
31. Bert Candela (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)s.t.
32. Thomas Leroux (Cornwall Cycle Club - MB)s.t.
33. Brian Zolper (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)s.t.
34. Jim Laird (Multi-Laser Racing - MC)s.t.
35. Peter Kofman ( Seasons Sport - MB)s.t.
36. Fred Pepper (WP Stucco / Midweek - MB)s.t.
37. Paul O'Blenes (The Cyclery - MB)s.t.
38. Brent Thomlison (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)s.t.
39. Igor Dragoslavic (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)s.t.
40. Mark Hearn (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
41. Gordon Clarke (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MC)s.t.
42. Garnett Abbey (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)s.t.
43. Don McCulloch (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)s.t.
44. #1169 ( - mb)s.t.
45. Stephen Basiren (J and J / Tabasco - MB)s.t.
46. Kevin Davison (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)1:51:10
47. Dave Wall (Multi-Laser Racing - MB)1:51:13
48. Peter Conn (Ottawa Bicycle Club - MB)s.t.
49. Dave Van de laar (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)s.t.
50. François Faust (Oakville Race Team - MB)1:51:17
51. Hank Roest (Independent - MB)1:51:20
52. Paul Bowkunowicz (Jet Fuel Coffee - MB)s.t.
53. David Girolametto (Independent - MB)1:51:33
54. Steve Ciazynski (St Catharines Cycling Club - MC)1:51:56
55. Glen McCrone (Bikesports - PFAFF RT - MB)1:52:21
56. Chris Westcott (Newmarket Eagles - MC)1:53:38
57. Chris Chambers (Team R.A.C.E. - MB)1:53:48
58. Mark Dwyre (Multi-Laser Racing - MB)1:55:00
59. Brad King (Team R.A.C.E. - MB)1:58:05
60. Terry Rice (PUSCH - MB)1:58:37
61. Ernie Tataryn (Bicycles Plus - MB)1:58:38
62. Michel Barbeau (Sudbury Cycling Club - MC)s.t.
63. Ron Baines (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)2:00:09
64. Richard Ince (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - MB)2:00:12
65. Peter Viol (Independent - MC)2:00:16
66. Craig MacEachern (Independent - MB)2:00:25
67. Rob Cheskey (Hamilton Cycling Club - MC)2:00:27
68. Harold Heyermans (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)2:00:33
69. John Parkinson (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MD)2:01:06
70. Perry Gelakis ( Seasons Sport - MB)2:01:09
71. Alan Jette (Epic Ride/ - MC)2:02:30
72. Anthony Whetham (Impala Bicycles - MB)2:02:35
73. Peter Hein (Midweek Cycling Club - MD)2:03:18
74. Rob Droughan (Vaughan Midweek - MB)2:04:44
75. Leonard Stolk (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)2:05:08
76. Bruce Camacho (D'ornellas Racing Team - MC)2:07:33
77. Steve Cooke (Independent - MB)2:13:38
78. Jim Wadleigh (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MC)2:15:22
79. Josef Balazic (Independent - MB)2:15:52
80. Tim Porter (Midweek Cycling Club - MD)2:16:37
81. Paul Gonsalves (Independent - MB)2:18:01
82. Scott Moon (Independent - MB)2:23:06
OTL. Gord Avann (KHS - MB)
OTL. Pierre Leblanc (Independent - MB)
OTL. Robert Demers (CIBC-Wood Gundy - MB)
OTL. Pierre Bianchetti (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - MD)
OTL. James Duffy (Team Hardwood - MC)
OTL. Paul Choquette ( Seasons Sport - MB)
OTL. Will Winn (Impala Bicycles - MB)
OTL. Gord Mickovski (Newmarket Eagles - MB)
OTL. Michel Lalonde (Multi-Laser Racing - MB)
OTL. Fredrik Carlberg (Team R.A.C.E. - MB)
OTL. Rob Sutherland (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)
OTL. Ivan Skorotko (Lanterne Rouge - MB)
FD. Victor Reinberg (Independent - MB)
DNF. Al Vardy (Sudbury Cycling Club - MB)
DNF. Doug Holt (Aquila Racing/Racer Sportif - MB)
DNF. Jacob Brunott (Independent - MB)
DNF. Roger Dawes (Independent - MB)
DNF. Ilija Petrovski (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)
DNF. Richard Fletcher (Arrow Racing - MB)
DNF. Phil Harper (Vaughan Midweek Cycling Club - MB)
DNF. Steven Bonisteel (Kingston Velo Club - MB)
DNF. John Gardner (J and J / Tabasco - MB)
DNF. Rick Meloff (D'ornellas Racing Team - MB)
DNF. Gary Scully (Oakville Race Team - MB)
DNF. Rob Good (Waterloo CC/Flying Dogs - MB)
DNF. Kevin McLean (Independent - MB)
DNF. Fred Heikoop (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)
DNF. Kirby Klassen (St Catharines Cycling Club - MB)
DNF. Bernard Durand (Ride With Rendall - MB)
DNF. Geoff Banner (Oakville Race Team - MB)
DNF. Chris Strasser (Tobasco JJ - MB)
DNF. Ed Wong (Lanterne Rouge - MB)
DNF. Barry Pankiw (Team R.A.C.E. - MB)
DNF. Walter Piersanti (WP Stucco / Midweek - MB)


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