Canadian Cyclist


May 6/05 1:43 am - Calabogie Road Classic Update, Aztech Kingston Grand Prix Information, Forest City Velodrome

Posted by Editoress on 05/6/05

Calabogie Road Classic Cancelled / Postponed

Delays due to provincial bureaucracy have unfortunately postponed the scheduled paving of Calabogie Motorsports Park's track. Regrettably, this in turn forces us to cancel the event for the time being.

We will endeavor to reschedule as soon as we have visibility as to when the road surfacing will begin.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Paul Chedore on behalf of Cycle Logik Racing

The Aztech Kingston Grand Prix Criterium Sunday, May 8th

Cat 1/2, 3, Masters, Women, Juniors.

$1000.00 cash prizes (Based on 100 total riders)

The Criterium is on a beautifully paved 1.3 km closed loop. OCA points awarded for results within category, subject to OCA rules. Prizes awarded to top 20% riders max 10 deep within Category IF > 10 racers

Prizes awarded within RACE if <10 racers per category

Sunday May 8 Criterium

CategoryRegisterEntry FeeRace startDistanceEst. finish
Masters A / Cat 39:00 - 10:302511:0070 min + 5 laps12:20
JR / Masters B C / Women9:00 - 12:002512:3070 min + 5 laps13:50
Senior 1 / 211:00 - 13:302514:0090 min + 5 laps15:40

AWARDS Ceremonies starting at 14:30 (all but 1/2)
Criterium Primes, Cash Prizes

DIrections to Sunday Criterium: St. Lawrence Industrial Park off Hwy 15 (exit 623)
1km South of 401 on Hwy 15 (exit 623) on left
Contact: Geoff Salter (613) 384-9400 ext 24

Forest City Velodrome

Forest City Velodrome at the Gardens in London, serves up the thrills & speed of indoor bicycle racing on Saturday night, May 7th. The evening racing action is sponsored by Highbury Ford of London.

30 Athletes will compete in 12 grueling cycling events during the 2 hour program. Races include, Points races for the Women, and Sprint races for the juniors and senior men. with the Madison riders showing how to handsling (exchange) their partners into the race at speeds of 60 kph. The Madison is like short track speedskating on a bicycle.

Racing Cyclists from London, Hamilton, Brantford, Kitchener - Waterloo and from outside the Province have registered for the event.

The Velodrome is the centre for cycling in London, with 15 new riders learning how to ride the 50 degree banking in the corners in the first week. Checkout: for a Learn to Ride time so you can get involved. Our Fleet of rental bikes have arrived so everyone can learn how to ride on the track.

Admission for adults is $10.00, Seniors $5.00, Children $2.00 (9yrs -15yrs) under 8yrs Free.

Racing will continue next Saturday May 14th with a Special Sprint night of competition


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