Canadian Cyclist


May 6/05 7:55 am - Jet Fuel Heads for Europe, Glen Rendall Improving after Crash

Posted by Editoress on 05/6/05

Jet Fuel Coffee Team in Europe
Courtesy Jet Fuel Coffee

The Jet Fuel Coffee connected by Sympatico/MSN kicks up its month long European adventure this weekend.

First up is the 50th addition of the Lincoln Grand Prix in England this Sunday. We're the only North American team racing at the event so we'll be sure to show the Euro boys that we're up for a challenge on the steep cobbled climb that is the main feature of every lap in this race.

After Lincoln the team was scheduled to race at the Vuelta de Madrid stage race but unfortunately the race was cancelled last week. With several months of planning down the drain the team has been able to arrange for some racing in Belgium. Special thanks to the folks at the where we'll be staying while we're in Belgium.

Once we finished our Belgium stay its off to the FBD RAS in Ireland. Its the third time we've attended the race and we'll be looking to build on some good results from previous years (Andrew Randell's stage win, Jason Crookham's top ten placing). This year the event will again be 8 days long covering the whole island. With 200 riders and a team field size limit of 5 per team it'll make for some interesting moments in the race caravan.

Be sure to check out the team website over the next few weeks for some intersting reports from our European adventure

Glen Rendall on the Mend


Well as you can see from my brother's report (below), my little Trinidad racing trip has taken an unexpected turn. However, despite not having ridden my bike in a week since the crash, I am feeling pretty good. The swelling in my face has pretty much disappeared and I am starting to see the old me looking back in the mirror....a little bruised but not the rotten pumpkin look I had going before. My shoulder is getting better and a bruise has come out on my neck but it is no longer sore. It does remain stiff however when I raise it so I will get a massage and physio today . My stitches are healing nicely and should be coming out shortly.

I have been watching the racing and have generally been hanging out but I am itching to ride and will go for a short 30 minutes today . If all goes well I may consider racing before I return but it really depends on what doctors say. I have pictures that I will share with you when I get back.

My track bike is a different matter. The front carbon tri spoke (Mavic carbon wheel) basically is without a spoke now and the bars are bent. Both tires were flatted in the crashed from the impact and the seat is bent. But the body is my main concern of course since all those parts can be replaced.

It is hard to watch the racing but the World team is definately dominating the series so far which is good. I hope to help out before I go home though

take care, glen

Sunday May 1st

Hi Guys,

Glen called me from Trinidad late last night. He crashed hard on Friday night. A crash occurred right in front of Glen, at 50 kmph, and he had nowhere to go. He lay unconscious on the track for a little while, and all he remembers is seeing the ceiling tiles go by as he was rushed into the hospital. He received stitches in his mouth, above his eye, has 2 black eyes and a swollen face and plenty of road rash. They took x-rays of his head, neck and back. He remained in hospital for observation Saturday, and checked out OK. He will see some doctors in the larger City (Name ???) early this week for second opinions. It was a huge crash, that put 4 riders out..2 broken collarbones, 1 broken arm, and Glen. Glen's Bell helmet saved him, he said it is completely destroyed, with huge grind marks on both sides. He is OK.

I will update you later.

Newspaper article



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