Canadian Cyclist


May 30/05 10:18 am - Hardwood Hills Canada Cup Course Open for Riding

Posted by Editoress on 05/30/05

Canada Cup Course Open for Riding
Glenn Meeuwisse, Hardwood Hills Cross Country Ski and Mountain Bike Center

The race course for the Jamis Canada Cup at Hardwood Hills, will be one of the choices for the Wednesday Night Race series at Hardwood Hills, this Wednesday, June 1. This is your chance to rip one lap of the race course, and compare your time!

Races start at 7:00 pm, with the choices of 6 different courses for all ages and abilities from the 2.5 km Sprockids course, to the 15 km Radical.

The Canada Cup course will be a one lap, 9 km loop of the Sport/Expert course. Race fee is only $15.00 for OCA licenced or citizen permit holders, which includes the race plate and trail fee for the afternoon and evening.

Registration for Wednesday night will close at 6:45 pm.

See for full Wednesday Night Race series info, or for the Jamis Canada Cup presented by Sport Swap.

Online Registration for the Jamis Canada Cup is open until 6PM Wednesday June 1st.


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