Canadian Cyclist


August 3/05 4:41 am - Tour de Beauce on, Forest City Velodrome Expanded Schedule BC and Ontario News,

Posted by Editoress on 08/3/05

Tour de Beauce on

For those of you who might have missed the telecasting of Tour de Beauce Bell 2005, you will be happy to view the whole race resume thanks to British web site, by visiting their 'Highlights' section.

<b>Note</b>The version is currently only in french but Cycling.TV will provide an english version soon.

High speed connection required.

Pour ceux et celles qui auraient manqué la télédiffusion du Tour de Beauce Bell 2005 sur les ondes de Radio-Canada ou aimeraient revoir la course, nous vous invitons à visiter le site britannique, un site spécialisé qui diffuse des images des plus grands rendez-vous cyclistes.

Vous trouverez le lien gratuit dans la section 'Highlights'. Connexion haute vitesse recommandée.

Forest City Velodrome Update

With more and more riders using the Forest City Velodrome, there was a need to expand the riding schedule until the end of the summer.

5 - 7 pm Structured Recreational Riding: Paul Poppy (reserve your bike) 519-643-0179
7 - 9 pm Learn to Ride w. Dave Bee: 519-673-3306

5 -7 pm Structured Recreational Riding w. Magnus Graham: 519-681-9454
7 -9 pm Learn to Ride w. Jeff Cook: 519-660-6932

11am - 2pm Structured Sport Riding w. John Murray: 519-457-7877 or Mike Tierney: 519-539-8859
5pm - 9pm Learn to Race (skills) w. Rob Good: 519-883-7849

6pm - 8pm Beginner Recreational w. Mike Tierney: 519-539-8859
8pm - 10pm Advanced Recreational

6pm - 9pm Sport Riding w. Mike Tierney 519-539-8859

2pm - 3:30 Learn to Ride w. Eddie Pol: 519-471-8708
3:30 - 5pm Structured Recreational
5 - 7pm Race Warm up

Beginning in September expanded Saturday & Sunday Track times TBA

Other Velodrome News

Everyone at the velodrome wishes Albert Coulier a speedy recovery after his few days in Hospital last week. Albert is resting at home.

A big thank you goes to Andy & Sheri Laidlaw, from 2 Wheels in downtown London for their support of Woman's Track Cycling with the donation of 2 women's sized bikes which are in our fleet. This will make it possible for women to have a bike that is properly sized. Thanks Sherri & Andy.

Racing returns this weekend, August 6th, Events include Sprints, Kierin, Scratch Races, Devil, Madison. Racing begins at 7pm

Check for up to date track happenings.

See you at the track

BC News

American Velodrome Challenge/B.C. Provincial Championships - August 19-21 - Victoria BC

Cash and merchandise prizes

Entry Forms and Race poster online at

Track info available at

for more info contact
or registration

Giant Speedseries For Youth:

On Tuesday August 16th, join the Learn to Race Track for Youth at the Victoria Juan de Fuca Velodrome!

The one day comprehensive clinic geared towards novice teens from grade 8 to 12.

Get introduced to the fun and excitement of track racing from Tracey Sheppard and Professional Racer Bre Loster! Learn some new track bike skills, rules, and nutrition. You’ll also find out about some local clubs to join, and be prepared for your first race at the Provincial Track Championships, August 19 - 21!

All you need is a helmet and if you have them; shoes and pedals.
When you sign up for the clinic, you receive a free Giant Speedseries t-shirt AND get entered into a draw for a 2006 Giant OCR Road Bike!
Clinic only $15!

Sign up at;

“Set ‘Em Up”
Courtesy OCA

BMX Bikes & Bus Program for Inner City Toronto kids

The Ontario Cycling Association (OCA) is pleased to announce the creation of “Set ‘Em Up” - a BMX (bicycle moto-cross) race activity aimed at low income, at-risk and less fortunate youth from the Toronto area.

By creating a strong partnership with Norco Performance Bikes, Mike Heaton of Toronto BMX and Track 2000 BMX Milton, the OCA will be providing transportation and BMX race equipment for over 100 kids. Buses will leave Toronto on August 17th, 24th and 31st for Track 2000 BMX in Milton for a day of fun in the sun. The total cost to per person is only $2.00.
After over 8 years of dedicated work, Mike Heaton of Toronto BMX recently gained approval for the construction of a BMX racetrack. This approval came with great support from Councillor Sylvia Watson of Ward 14 Parkdale-High Park. The proposed site is Marilyn Bell Park with construction aiming to begin in the fall of 2005 and ready to race in 2006. The Norco BMX Bikes and Mace helmets used in the Set ‘Em Up program will then be donated to the new Toronto BMX facility by the OCA.

This program is made possible with funding from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation’s City of Toronto District Bingo program. Norco Performance Bikes is dedicated to supporting grassroots BMX racing in Ontario and they are pleased to announce their commitment to support this program. Kris Somers of "Turn the Amp to Eleven" Events will be on hand to add colour commentary, call the races, and make sure music is jamming all day. Track 2000 BMX will be providing volunteer riders and officials. Thanks for donated products and prizes go to Answer/Jagger Racing; C4 Distribution; Raleigh Canada Limited; Split/Session; Dyna-tech Action Inc.; Orange Sport Supply and more.

The OCA is looking forward to an ongoing relationship with all of the “Set ‘Em Up” partners and thanks them for their support.
For more information on participating or volunteering, please email or call 416-426-7247


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