Canadian Cyclist


August 27/05 8:57 am - Men's Road Worlds Selection, Laroche Third, Support for Armstrong, Red Bull Road Rage

Posted by Editor on 08/27/05

CCA Announces First Men's Road Worlds Spot
Courtesy CCA

As recently announced by the UCI, Canada has earned three elite men's spots for the road race at the 2005 Road World Championships in Madrid, Spain, on Sept. 25. The Canadian Cycling Association is therefore proceeding with the selection process outlined in the National Team Program, and we are proud to announce the nomination of National Road Champion François Parisien to the team.

The next rider will be announced after the UCI Pro Tour Grand Prix l'Ouest France in Plouay, France, this weekend, and the final spot and reserves will be announced after the Barclays Global Investors Grand Prix in San Francisco on Sept. 4.

Jean-François Laroche occupe le troisième rang

Montréal, 26 août 2005 (Sportcom) - À ce qui pourrait être sa dernière compétition en carrière, Jean-François Laroche a connu une bonne sortie lors de la première étape du Tour de la Porte océane, en Normandie. Le cycliste magogois termine au dixième rang de l'étape de 120 kilomètres. En raison des points de bonus, Laroche occupe le troisième rang du classement provisoire. Il détient également le maillot de meilleur grimpeur. " Bon, ce ne sont pas les Alpes ici, commente Laroche, mais il y avait de petites bosses. "

Le coureur de CR4C Roanne pourrait bien en être à sa dernière course en carrière puisque le bureau d'avocats Stikeman Elliot l'attend le 12 septembre prochain. " Je sens que je vais être nostalgique dimanche, " dernière journée de la course qui compte trois étapes. " Mais comme je roule bien en ce moment, je vais peut-être demander de commencer seulement le 25 septembre afin de participer à une dernière grosse course le 18 ", a ajouté Laroche qui ne semble pas encore prêt à dire adieu à son vélo après tant d'années en selle.

Samedi, les participants à la Porte océane courront un 100 km en avant-midi avant de faire un contre-la-montre en après-midi.

Cyclistes Professionnels Associés Statement

In its concern to defend the general interests of its members, the CPA has been following with interest the declarations, statements and observations that have recently appeared in the press regarding revelations made by the newspaper L'Équipe about research carried out on B samples from the 1999 Tour de France.

The CPA deplores the fact that confidential information has once again been leaked in France, sparking a controversy based on data that should have remained in the context of medical confidentiality and strictly scientific research.

Riders and the CPA have always supported and will continue to support the fight against doping, but they cannot accept this kind of situation, which seriously damages their interests, their credibility and the image of cycling in general. As soon has the situation has been clarified, they reserve the right to initiate proceedings in order to establish their integrity.

In the future, riders and the CPA will continue to cooperate closely with the UCI to ensure that progress is made in the anti-doping campaign, in an atmosphere free from scandal and external interference.

In the meantime, riders and the CPA feel they have been treated unfairly, and are waiting for such a time as responsibilities have been officially and clearly defined to ask the UCI to implement and apply measures to strengthen medical confidentiality in anti-doping controls.

USA Cycling Backs Armstrong
Courtesy USA Cycling

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO (August 26, 2005) -- USA Cycling echoed Lance Armstrong's charges that the recent World Anti-Doping Agency finding is "preposterous" and that his rights have been irreparably violated in a statement released today from its headquarters in Colorado Springs.

"Preposterous is a strong word, but it is warranted in this case," said Gerard Bisceglia, chief executive officer of the sport's National Governing Body. "Lance Armstrong is one of the most tested athletes in the history of sport and he has come up clean every single time. This kind of years-ago testing of a single sample with new technology is completely without credibility. What's worse is that Lance cannot defend himself because there is no mechanism for final resolution."

"We are appalled at the blatant violation of ethics associated with the release of these supposed results and will support Lance in whatever action he chooses to take in efforts to denounce these accusations," Bisceglia added.

According to Bisceglia, Armstrong in 2000 was put into the USADA "No Notice" pool of American cyclists who are subject to testing any time of day, 365 days per year. During that period he has come up clean over 200 times.

"The fact that individuals inside the anti-doping community have seen fit to comment on this is also distressing," said Bisceglia. "The mission of WADA is to test meticulously and simultaneously to respect the rights of the athletes. That has not happened here and it is a shame."

Red Bull Road Rage

Malibu, Calif - The Elite rider list has been decided and invitations have been sent out to see who will compete for the title of fastest descender at the inaugural Red Bull Road Rage, co-sponsored by Giant Bicycle.

On November 5th, twenty-five of the most experienced bike handlers will take on death defying speeds, 120 degree turns, and cliff hanging berms. This 2.5 mile course with its 2,000 elevation drop through historic Tuna Canyon in Malibu, CA, will be more than enough to separate the men from the boys.


- Who is the fastest road descender?

- Will disc brakes dramatically increase speed?

- Will disc brakes increase safety?

- Are you better than him?


Following is the list of riders invited. Please note, we will only select 25 RSVP's for this year's race. Detailed biographies are accessible via the new Red Bull Road Rage website.

George Hincapie
- Brian Lopes
- Paolo Savoldelli
- John Tomac
- Sean Yates
- Dave Cullinan
- David Clinger
- Steve Peat
- Gord Fraser
- Joe Lawwill
- Robbie McEwen
- Eric Carter
- Freddie Rodriguez
- Greg Minnaar
- David Zabriskie
- Mark Wier
- Jans Koerts
- Colin Bailey
- Kirt Vories
- Wade Bootes
- Myles Rockwell
- Ned Overend
- Geoff Kabush
- Thomas Allier
- Thurlow Rogers
- Jamie Paolinetti
- Ivan Dominguez
- Sean Watkins
- Mariano Friedrick
- Harm Jansen
- Max Sciandri
- Butch Stinton
- Mark McCormack
- Shaums March
- Kyle Straight
- Marla Streb
- Aaron Chase
- Adam Craig
- Carl Decker
- Tyler Hamilton
- Marty Nothstein
- Chris Horner
- Robbie Bourdon
- Nathan Rennie
- Sam Hill
- David McCook
- Axel Merckx
- Bobby Julich
- Robbie Hunter
- Floyd Landis
- Michael Barry
- Tony Cruz
- Aaron Olson
- Chris Wherry
- Jason Bausch
- Roland Green
- Todd Tanner
- Erik Saunders
- Rolf Sorenson
- Mike King


Full face helmets, disc brakes, and padding are not something that is typically seen in a road race, but unless riders want to take the chance of wearing permanent concrete makeup, they will need to gear up. Besides those additions, traditional road bikes with 700c wheels and drop bars will be used. With more corners than L'Alpe d'Huez, speed and fitness will go hand in hand.

Red Bull Road Rage will consist of two race formats: Time Trials, where individuals race against the clock; and Pack Race, a boardercross-style race format, where the top 16 riders from the Time Trial will be placed into 4 man heats and throw it on the line.

The top two riders in each heat will advance through the bracket and after three times down the hill, the fastest one in the pack will be crowned the fastest road descender and receive a major piece of the $5000 prize purse.

RIDER COMMUNICATION: Contact Jon Mesko at and 310.420.0085 or Steve Boehmke at and 714.633.9955


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