Canadian Cyclist


October 6/05 1:04 am - UCI to Investigate 1999 Tour Samples

Posted by Editor on 10/6/05

UCI Appoints Investigator for 1999 Tour Sample Investigation
Courtesy UCI

Analysis of Samples from the 1999 Tour: Independent Investigator Appointed by the UCI

Within the frame of measures aiming to clarify facts linked to the analysis of urine samples taken during the 1999 Tour de France, the UCI has appointed last Friday 30th of September, Mr. Emile Vrijman and his law firm Lamsma Veldstra & Lobé attorneys in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, as independent investigator to be in charge of this case.

Lawyer and former Director of the National Anti Doping Agency in The Netherlands (NeCeDo), Mr. Vrijman has a large experience in those qualities in the in the field of anti-doping.

The UCI has entrusted Mr. Vrijman and his law firm the task to undertake a comprehensive investigation regarding all issues concerning the testing conducted by the French laboratory of urine samples from the 1999 Tour de France.

As WADA has informed the UCI of its intention to open an investigation, the UCI is concerned that such an investigation from WADA as an involved party, would be based on aspects out of its competencies.

The UCI's decision to appoint an independent investigator is supported by numerous authorities, both in sports, as well as in AntiˆDoping. The UCI expects all relevant parties to fully co-operate with the investigation.

Finally, the UCI wishes to express its full confidence in both the capabilities, as well as the integrity, of Mr. Vrijman and his law firm to conduct the investigation in a thorough and proper manner and is looking forward to the conclusions of their investigation.

UCI Press Service


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