Canadian Cyclist


October 24/05 5:34 am - Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic, Fredericton `Cross Pumpkinhead

Posted by Editoress on 10/24/05

Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic
Courtesy Derek Sakamoto

Krebs Cycle Club and Team Soliton hosted their annual Vanier Park Cyclocross Classic in Vanier Park on Saturday October 22. Despite the dreary rain leading up to the event day, sunny skies and temperatures in the teens greated racers. The "no kneewarmer rule" caused no consternation on this day.

The Men's B race opened up the day with the riders shooting off in a frenzy. Not able to race with the Men's A group as usual due to scheduling, Wendy Simms put on a cross clinic for the boy's in B. Behind her, two racers from Washington: Bryce Fegley & Jeff McConanghy took top honours in the B group, followed by Devo's Jeff Ain.

Ten kids participated in the much anticipated Kids for Cross. Fourteen year old Emma Fingler rode 3/4 of the regular route, taking the barriers in stride. Nine under ten riders plied their cycling skills to an abridged course in the fields. Well done!

Two juniors toed the line with the Women's race. Katherine Short & Sean Stanhope took the junior women & men's titles.

The Women's race was a strong Wedgewood showing, with Sarah Stewart, Christy Love, and Amanda Butler taking the top 3 spots.

Men's A was a battle to behold, with many of the top series riders coming out to contest for points. The hour led to a toe to toe with Andrew Pinfold and Ricky Federau, with Andrew ultimately taking top honours. Andreas Hestler rolling in for the third slot.

Special thanks to sponsors ING Direct for financial support; Karma metalworks for titanium rings to race winners; Ambleside Cycles, Running Room, Raceface, Schwalbe, and Syncros for some outstanding draw prizes; and all the volunteers for making the event a great day.

1. Sarah Stewart (Wedgewood)
2. Christy Love (Wedgewood)
3. Amanda Butler (Wedgewood)
4. Heather King (Wedgewood)
5. Shera Molday (Wedgewood)
6. Lesley Trivett (Wedgewood)
7. Sara Laliberte (Blackdog)
8. Carmen Funk

Junior Women
1. Katherine Short (On the Edge)

Junior Men
1. Sean Stanhope (On the Edge)

Elite Men
1. Andrew Pinfold (Symmetrics)
2. Rick Federau (Gears Racing)
3. Andreas Hestler (Rocky Mountain / Business Objects)
4. Drew Mackenzie (Sugoi / Gian)
5. Kevin Calhoun (Rocky Mountain)
6. Kris Sneddon (Kona)
7. Dan MacDonald (Opus/Ogc)
8. Basse Clement (Rocky Mountain / Adobe)
9. Kevin Noiles (Escape Velocity)
10. Robert Gosselin (Atomic)
11. Rick Rodland (FloraGlo / Norco / Street Hawk)
12. Bryan Anderson (Sugoi / Giant)
13. Duncan Steel (Escape Velocity)
14. Sven Sturm (Krebs / Raceface)
15. Jonathan Gormick (Steed Cycles)
16. Joe Lepine
17. Patrick Love
18. Scott McGregor (Steed Cycles)
19. Matt Chater (Steed Cycles)
20. Jason Fluckiger (bayside)
21. Scott Malone (Steed Cycles)
22. Dan Malgatboy (Pedal Head / Sleeman)
23. Scott Laliberte (Blackdog)

Men B
-. Wendy Simms (Kona)
1. Bryce Fegley (Privateer)
2. Jeff McConanghy
3. Jeff Ain (Devo)
4. Tyler Dumont (FloraGlo - Norco)
5. Mark Bennet (Cables & Cogs)
6. Kim Steed (Steed Cycles)
7. Simon Pulfroy
8. Jon Cheng (Escape Velocity)
9. Chris Kartakis (Escape Velocity)
10. Jason Sandquest (Frontrunners)
11. Brad Collins (Sugoi)
12. Bob Chew (Escape Velocity)
13. Gord Ross (Escape Velocity)
14. Brent Hambleton
15. Steve Fedro
16. Ryan Cousineau (Escape Velocity)
17. Owen Scott (Steed Cycles)
18. Brian Goldstone
19. Boyd Thomson
20. Eric Bruvall
21. James Thopson (CVC)
22. Kenny James
23. Raffi Titmin
24. Grant Bulllingston (Frontrunners)
25. Bob Stanhope (On the Edge)
26. Dave Novak (Frontrunners)
27. Matt Drown (Krebs)
28. Barry Brennan
29. Cam Finnigan
30. Meshka Javid

Children's Race Attendees
Anita Frioud
Devin Frioud
Elena Ancimer
Emma Fingler
Flannery Cook
Forest Raphael
Indiana King
Katherine Dawes
Margaret Ovenell
Matreya Gabrielle

Fredericton `Cross Pumpkinhead Race October 23rd
Courtesy Eric Hadley

I gather that cyclocross was developed by some hardy European bike racers who after the racing season still wanted to ride their bikes although it was too cold for long rides.

First it was a Dieppe race in a Hurricane then it was Fredericton! Definitely New Brunswick bikers are showing that they are as hardy and every bit as nutty as the originators doing bike-races regardless of the weather!

It was lovely as we set up the course on Saturday, definitely too nice for a cyclocross race! But Sunday was more like it! --Dark clouds, strong winds and driving rain soon turned the course into a suitable mush. Sixteen of NB's hardiest riders competed against each other, themselves, the weather, the mud and seemed glad they did it. At least they were glad when they were done it!

The entrants included many of NB's national caliber riders thus there was some serious competition going on for those pumpkin trophies. Way to go guys and 2 gals!

Thanks to our sponsor „The Radical Edge‰ and the many wonderful volunteers who made the race happen.

1. Christian Meier
2. Peter Wedge
3. Ryan Belliveau
4. Phillip Cortes
5. Matthew Hadley
6. Shawn Marshall
7. Shaughn Smith
8. Sean Bartlett
9. Cliff Warden-Rogers

Master Expert Men (30-39)
1. Jeff Currie
2. Micheal LeBlanc
3. Andre Charlebois

U17 Male
1. Jonathan Daigle

U17 Female
1. Jessica Dahn

1. Maurice LeBlanc
2. Jane Hadley


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