Canadian Cyclist


August 28/98 4:58 am - Day 1 Raid Pierre Harvey, CCA makes a decision regarding DH make-up race

Posted by Editor on 08/28/98

Raid Pierre Harvey - Day 1 102km

1. George Visser, St-Ferréol-les-Neiges QC, 3:30
2. Bill Hurley, Wakefield QC, 3:54.11
3. Gilles Morneau, Loretteville QC, 3:58.53
4.Mark-Andrè De-Laurière, Dégelis QC, 4:00.12
5. Pierre Harvey, St-Ferréol-les-Neiges QC, 4:00.51

1. Chantal Begin, St-Ferréol-les-Neiges QC, 5:01.42
2. Sandra Harvey, Sutton QC, 5:02.56
3. Joanne Johnston, 5:08.35

A Decision has been made regarding the Down Hill make-up race held at Silver Star prior to the Nationals. The Development Committee held a meeting last night and decided to allow the results to count toward the final Canada Cup points. This will make NO difference to the winners, nor will it affect the team for the Worlds, but we are waiting for a fomal statement from the committee. To see the results of this race go to Daily News August 16, 4:00pm.

The Canada Cup final points will be recalculated as we have recieved a final standings list. (by fax so it will take some time to go through the list)


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