Canadian Cyclist


November 3/05 12:20 pm - Women In Coaching Seminar

Posted by Editoress on 11/3/05

Coaching the Coaches - Women In Coaching
Courtesy OCA

Although female sport participation rates are at an all time high, recruiting and retaining female coaches is still a difficult task. While men continue to fill a significantly higher percentage of coaching positions, there is a distinct advantage to developing and having strong women coaches and leaders in the sport community.

Sheilagh Croxon, Olympic Synchronized Swimming Coach and Women in Coaching Consultant will share her insight and ideas on how to effectively reduce the barriers facing women in coaching as well as provide tools for success.

"Women are the untapped gold mine of the Canadian sport system" said Croxon, who assembled 25 of Canada's top female coaches and sport leaders to address these problems and to identify solutions in March. Join Croxon and other coaches, administrators, volunteers and sports enthusiasts on:

November 29: 7:00 p.m. Oakville - Glen Abbey Recreation Centre
"Women in Coaching - engaging successful female coaches"

To register please contact Louise Veres at or (905) 845-6601 x3154. Visit for additional details. The session is being offered FREE of charge thanks to a contribution from the Oakville sports Council.

Sheilagh Croxon is currently the Women in Coaching National Coordinator for Coaching Association of Canada and an International Coach Consultant. In 2000 she was the Olympic Games Head Coach leading her team to a Bronze medal as well as the 2001 World Aquatic Games Coach winning double Bronze medals. Croxan was a the recipient of the Ontario Female Coach-of-the-Year in 2000 & 1993 -as well as the 2001 Wittnauer Coaching Excellence Award. Between 1989 - 2001 she has coached at Commonwealth Games, Pan American Games and Olympic Games coaching Canadian athletes to over 30 international medals..

The CAO is pleased to be partnering with the Oakville Sports Council on this coach development opportunity.

The Oakville Sports Council fosters and promotes good sportsmanship through athletic activities in Oakville by facilitating communication, cooperation, leadership, education and excellence. For more information visit

The Coaches Association of Ontario is a non-profit coach-led organization that strengthens development opportunities and provides educational resources for coaches. The CAO promotes coaching ethics and ensures the wider community recognizes the vital role of the coach in the development of sport at all levels.


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