Canadian Cyclist


November 23/05 9:58 am - Volunteers Needed, Sports Conference

Posted by Editor on 11/23/05

Bike Festival Looking for Volunteers

The Stanley Park Bike Festival Society is holding a information meeting on Monday Nov 28th, at 7pm, Kitsilano Community Centre. The bike festival is entering its 4th year in Stanley Park, and is looking for new board members to join the team and help plan for 2006 and beyond.

We are looking for people with skills in fund raising, grant writing, event management, program development, and of course an appreciation for cycling. Even if you can only devote a little time to this venture, your contribution could go a long way.

For more information, background documents on the Stanley Park Bike Festival are available at the website:

Sports Events Congress 2006
Courtesy SIRC

The single most important sports event conference in Canada for industry professionals is coming April 5-7 in Ottawa ..... Sport Events Congress 2006

Sport Events Congress is widely recognized as the premier annual gathering of representatives from national/multi-sport and major games organizations, event rights holders, convention and visitors bureaus, economic development agencies, parks and recreation departments, industry suppliers and corporate sponsors. The Congress features an outstanding variety of business-to-business, networking and topical educational activities.

What's New in 2006?

* A pre-conference afternoon of Training sessions for the Sport Tourism Economic Assessment Model, Sport Tourism Planning Template and Business Plan Template for Sport Events
* A professional development workshop hosted by the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity (CAAWS) entitled 'Building your Support Network'. Women who attend this workshop will discuss and practice effective networking, learn how to create a solid network for personal and professional growth and support and learn about being a good mentor and having a good mentor.
* A networking and client hosting event at the Corel Centre where conference delegates and their guests can watch the Ottawa Senators vs. the Montreal Canadiens in the luxury of a corporate suite. This package includes ground transportation, dinner and ticket to the game.
* Social event in the lounge of the Crowne Plaza Hotel with pool tables, big screen TV and a special sport-themed menu.
* Hot topics to be addressed include infrastructure, transfer of knowledge programs, Road to Excellence, Own the Podium and, of course, capitalizing on benefits of 2010 Olympic Games.

What are people saying about Sport Events Congress?

"This was one of the best organized and relevant conferences that I have attended. I learned a great deal about the industry and what I could be doing in my own community."

"A great investment ˆ it's a one-stop shop for sales opportunities, professional development and discussions on the hot topics affecting sport and tourism"

"As a sport federation rep it's a fantastic opportunity to have access to all these tools that have been designed to help us capitalize on the economic benefits associated with our events...and to have all these Canadian city reps here, wanting to learn more about our sport and hosting opportunities, is a huge bonus!"

Interested in Attending?
To register for the Congress, visit and register on-line. Congress fees include all meeting materials, meals, beverages and social events. Please note that two new 'a la carte' events are subject to additional fees. Delegates may participate in the CAAWS workshop for an additional fee of $25. The Ottawa Senators ˆ Montreal Canadiens package is available for an additional $150 per person. Add-on these two new events to enhance your experience at Sport Events Congress 2006!

Congress Fees:
Early Bird (before January 13th, 2006): Members - $475 per person + GST
Non-members - $575 per person + GST

Regular Rates (after January 13th, 2006): Members - $550 per person + GST
Non-members - $650 per person + GST

Sport Organizations/Event Rights Holders: No charge if participating in Sport Events Exchange (max 2 reps per organization)

CIS Member Institution: $250 + GST

'A la carte' events:
CAAWS Workshop: $25 (includes dinner and workshop materials)
Senators Game Package: $150 (includes game ticket, transportation and meal)

For more information, visit the Congress section of CSTA's website at A preliminary schedule of events, details on travel and accommodations and sponsorship opportunities are now available.


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