Canadian Cyclist


November 26/05 9:21 am - Coaching/Training News: Bromont Camp, Ontario Speaker Series

Posted by Editor on 11/26/05

Winter Camp at Bromont Cycling Centre

The Bromont National Cycling Centre is offering a winter training camp January 6 - 8, 2006. Full details and contact information can be found in Camp_hivernal_Bromont.pdf.

C3 / CAO Friday Night Speaker Series Back
Courtesy SAO

Back by popular demand for the third consecutive year, C3 Canadian Cross Training Club with Personal Best and the Coaches Association of Ontario will be hosting their Friday Night Speaker Series. The goal of the monthly seminar is to bring "world class" researchers / lecturers and coaches to average Canadian coaches, parents and athletes.

Location: Caledon Community Complex - 6215 Old Church Road , Caledon Ontario
Cost: $4.00 for CAO and C3 members and $5.00 for non members. Free for Juniors
Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. (all sessions)
Please RSVP to or 905-838-2662 to reserve a seat. More details at

Friday, December 2nd - Dr. Digby Sale is McMaster University Researcher with over 200 publications in muscle physiology, strength improvements and issues surrounding muscle performance. Dr Sale will be also be available to ask muscle physiology questions in addition to his specific topic for the Friday evening presentation titled:

"Training to improve endurance performance in elite athletes: a research update". Research has indicated that elite endurance athletes do most of their training at intensities far lower than "race" intensity. The basis for this apparent violation of specificity of training will be examined. On the other hand, there is growing evidence that high intensity training (sprint training, strength training) can enhance endurance performance. The physiological basis for the role of high intensity training in endurance performance will be explained.

Friday, January 20th - Dr Janet Starkes is a McMaster University Researcher who's vast research includes reaction time and performance factors. Currently Dr Starkes is focused on elements which impact performance in aging master athletes. Dr Starkes continues to monitor and research the health, motivation and success strategies employed by aging athletes in many sports. Topics include attitude, injury, health and on-going observations of older athletes.

Friday, February 3rd - Pierre Lamarche over the past 3 decades has been Canada's National and Davis Cup Tennis Coach, co-founder of the Professional Coaches Association and the Coaches Association of Ontario, Pierre will share his views on how to help your athlete (or son/daughter) excel in Canadian Sport despite the resource and structural challenges that Canadian athletes face. Pierre Lamarche is renown for his dynamic - thought-provoking style.

Friday, March 31st - Professor Norm O'Reilly will discuss Lessons Learned from his 2004 Mount Everest Climb. Professor O'Reilly was a member of the 2005 Mount Everest Climb where Ottawa Climber and researcher Sean Egan lost his life on the mountain. Norm will discuss lessons learned by the climbers during their Mt Everest Climb. Hear the behind the scene stories and how you can apply them to your regular life.


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