Canadian Cyclist


December 1/05 10:28 am - Employment Opportunity, Birthdays

Posted by Editor on 12/1/05

Employment Opportunity
Courtesy SIRC

Director of Regional Programs Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic

The Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic (CSCA) is a not for profit sport organization that supports high performance athletes and coaches in Atlantic Canada by providing an enhanced environment of services and programs to help them achieve international podium results. The CSCA is part of a national network of multisport centres that link high performance athletes and coaches to sport-related services. The CSCA provide support and services for over 200 high performance athletes and coaches across the region.

The Director of Regional Programming will report directly to the CSCA President.

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Responsibilities include:

* Coordination and leadership of all coaching programs including National Coaching Institute-Atlantic and the annual Atlantic Coaches Seminar

* Coordination and leadership in the implementation of all regional programming including overseeing CSCA Canada Games initiatives and regional training groups.

* Implementation of sport system requirements in conjunction with CSCA partners.

* Lead responsibility for Marketing and Fundraising initiatives including servicing sponsors and linking with partners on delivery of special events.

* Manage Communications and Promotions with all staff.

Qualifications include:

* Degree in Sport Management, masters level preferred
* Five years administrative experience in sport
* Proven capacity to develop and manage major projects to successful completion
* High level of proficiency in Microsoft Office (including Excel, Word, Access Outlook)
* High degree of professionalism
* Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines; multi-task
* Competence in both official languages is an asset
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Creative and able to work independently

The CSCA is an equal opportunity employer.

Contract: The position is an 18 month term, with renewal possibilities.
Salary: Commensurate with education and experience
Start Date: January 3, 2006
Application Deadline: December 9, 2005 (Only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted)

Please send resume to:
Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic c/o Ken Bagnell
5516 Spring Garden Road, Suite 308
Halifax, NS B3J 1G6
Phone: 902-425-0942
Fax: 902-425-5928

Happy Birthday To...

Matt Chater (November 28th), Lars Madsen and Peter Mazur (both today).


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