Canadian Cyclist


December 14/05 9:11 am - London Velodrome Christmas Camp

Posted by Editor on 12/14/05

Christmas Camp at London Velodrome
Courtesy Rob Good

The Forest City Velodrome is pleased extend an invitation to all Velo-Kids ages 7 - 15, to attend their own Cycling Camp during the Christmas week break. The sessions will run from Monday December 26th, Noon until 2pm every day of the week, including Saturday December 31st. The Velo-Kids are encouraged to bring friends with them, as part of the camp will teach new riders how to ride the Velodrome. The cost of all Velo-Kids is being covered by our Trillium Foundation Grant.

In an effort to encourage as many athletes to come to the Velodrome to Ride, Train & Race over the Christmas break the Velodrome is including Senior & Masters riders in the Junior, Espoir Performance Camp that runs at the Velodrome from 9am each day during the week between Christmas & New Year's Eve.

Registration for all groups will be done at the Velodrome Monday December 26, 30 minutes before the start of each session.

The cost is $100.00 for the Performance portion of the camp. Lunches will be prepared at the Velodrome at a minimal cost. Accommodation is at the Travelodge, on Exeter Rd in London 1-519-681-1200, up to 4 riders per room.

Kris Westwood, High Performance coordinator from the Canadian Cycling Association will be riding & speaking with the athletes about the potential of National & International Track Cycling during the days he will be attending the camp.

The Camp will be a check of the progress the athletes have made as to the HP standards as set out by the CCA for team Qualifications, Skill development, on track tactics, and track etiquette.

For more information please email, or check the website for all of the up to date information about the Velodrome.


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