Canadian Cyclist


January 5/06 9:46 am - Team Mechanic Position

Posted by Editor on 01/5/06

Team Mechanic-for the 2006 Season

Feb-Oct (may be flexible for student)

Skills required are:
- Mature attitude
- professional ability to work with people and bikes
- knowledge of Most modern bike equipment
- XC, DH, Free Ride
- Driver's license, Visa card, Passport
- ability to rent car, fly and drive long distances (not really that far)
- living in Vancouver or willing to re-locate

- Salary (tbd)
- Bike of choice (to keep)
- schwag
- Days in bike park
- long days, short days of work
- travel and meeting new people
- Industry connections
- Trip to Vegas (inter-bike)

If interested please direct your inquires to Andreas Hestler, Team Manager Only those considered for the job will be contacted.


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