Canadian Cyclist


January 13/06 6:32 am - Commonwealth Games Preliminary Team Announced

Posted by Editor on 01/13/06

Canadian Commonwealth Games Cycling Team
Courtesy CCA

Below, the CCA has provided the full announcement of the preliminary list of riders selected for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne (March). The team contains some disappointments. Many of our strongest riders declined selection - Alison Sydor, Genevieve Jeanson, Lori-Ann Muenzer, Michael Barry and Ryder Hesjedal. Hesjedal and Barry are understandable - their ProTour teams are unlikely to release them during one of the busiest months of the spring classics (we many still lose Charles Dionne for similar reasons). Lori-Ann Muenzer has already announced that she is taking a year off from competition, so that too is not a surprise (although disappointing).

The two disappointing self-removals are Sydor and Jeanson. Sydor was one of our strongest hopes for a medal, and could have provided valuable experience on the road team. Unfortunately, the CCA has not nominated anyone else to take the spot (even though 3 spots were originally set aside). What about Trish Sinclair? She has shown a strong comeback from early season injury, and stacks up well against other Commonwealth women mountain bikers. However, it could be that the spot is being held for Bessette.

Jeanson . . . well, after her up and down season last year, and pulling out of the Road Worlds late (due to injury), it was a toss up as to whether she would ride. Rumours are that she has proven impossible to get hold of, so it is anyone's guess as to where and when we will see her race next.

Based on the preliminary team, we can see 5-7 medals for Canada in cycling, with mountain biking accounting for 3-4. We believe that there is a good hope for 2 gold, 2-3 silver and 2-3 bronze.

Official team announcement:

The Canadian Cycling Association is pleased to announce the preliminary list of athletes selected to the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Canada is entitled to a total of 19 athletes for the cycling competitions at the Games, which will be held in Melbourne, Australia, from March 16 to 26.

Any modifications to this list will be made in a final announcement after the Los Angeles Track World Cup on Jan. 20-22.

Mountain bike women:
Marie-Hélène Prémont
Kiara Bisaro
Note : Alison Sydor declined selection

Mountain bike men:
Geoff Kabush
Seamus McGrath

Road women:
Sue Palmer-Komar
Lyne Bessette
Erinne Willock
Amy Moore
Reserve: Audrey Lemieux
Note : Geneviève Jeanson declined selection. The fifth and sixth spots on the team will be announced following the final decision on the men's track endurance team, and will be filled by reserve and/or endurance track athletes.

Road men:
François Parisien
Svein Tuft
Charles Dionne
Gord Fraser
Reserves: Dominique Perras, Mark Walters, Eric Wohlberg
Note : Michael Barry and Ryder Hesjedal declined selection due to team obligations. Charles Dionne's team has yet to confirm his availability for the Games. The fifth and sixth spots on the team will be announced following the final decision on the men's track endurance team, and will be filled by reserve and/or mountain bike and/or endurance track athletes.

Track women:
Mandy Poitras
Gina Grain
Note: Lori-Ann Muenzer declined selection.

Track men:
Travis Smith
Cam MacKinnon
Yannick Morin
Note: Up to two endurance men may be selected following the Los Angeles World Cup.

Équipe Canadienne pour les Jeux du Commonwealth

L'Association cycliste canadienne est heureuse d'annoncer la liste préliminaire d'athlètes sélectionnés pour les Jeux du Commonwealth 2006. Le Canada a droit à 19 athlètes pour les compétitions cyclistes aux Jeux, qui auront lieu à Melbourne en Australie du 16 au 26 mars.

Les dernières modifications à cette liste seront annoncées après la coupe du monde sur piste à Los Angeles, le 20 au 22 janvier.

Cross-country femmes :
Marie-Hélène Prémont
Kiara Bisaro
Nota : Alison Sydor à décliné sa sélection.

Cross-country hommes :
Geoff Kabush
Seamus McGrath

Route femmes :
Sue Palmer-Komar
Lyne Bessette
Erinne Willock
Amy Moore
Remplaçante : Audrey Lemieux
Nota : Geneviève Jeanson a décliné sa sélection. Les deux derniers coureurs seront sélectionnés après la décision finale sur les hommes d'endurance, parmi les remplaçantes et/ou les coureurs femmes d'endurance.

Route hommes :
François Parisien
Svein Tuft
Charles Dionne
Gord Fraser
Remplaçantes : Dominique Perras, Mark Walters, Eric Wohlberg
Nota : Michael Barry et Ryder Hesjedal ont décliné leur sélection à cause de leurs obligations professionnelles. L'équipe de Charles Dionne n'a pas encore confirmé sa disponibilité pour les jeux. Les deux derniers coureurs seront sélectionnés après la décision finale sur les hommes d'endurance, parmi les remplaçantes et/ou les coureurs de cross-country et/ou les coureurs d'endurance.

Track women:
Mandy Poitras
Gina Grain
Nota : Lori-Ann Muenzer a décliné sa sélection.

Track men:
Travis Smith
Cam MacKinnon
Yannick Morin
Nota : Jusqu'à deux coureurs d'endurance peuvent être sélectionnés suite à la coupe du monde à Los Angeles.


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