Canadian Cyclist


September 6/98 10:27 am - Men's Race Preview and Women's Race Photos

Posted by Editor on 09/6/98

It is approximately 2 hours before the start of the men‚s World Cup Final race in Bromont, Québec. The weather is perfect - sunny, warm, and a slight breeze. 101 riders are on the starting list, including the top 30 in World Cup standings. Like the women‚s race yesterday, this race should give us a good indication of who is coming onto form for the World Championships. Canada has 11 riders in the field, with only Roland Green missing among the top ranked Canadian riders. According to Kona manager Ron Hayman, the team tried to get him onto a flight (from Victoria), however, the Air Canada strike made it impossible.

For photos from yesterday‚s women‚s race, go Here.


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