Canadian Cyclist


January 17/06 9:17 am - Cycling Training Study

Posted by Editor on 01/17/06

Cycling Training Study - Calgary
Courtesy Mike Patton

Purpose: to determine the effects of using various oxygen gas mixtures during VO2 max training to further increase performance in highly trained cyclists. In addition, this study attempts to reproduce the results found by other studies in order to validate the results and develop a framework with which future studies can be built on.

Participants must:
- Be male
- Have a VO2 max of > 58 ml/kg/min on a cycle ergometer
- Have all 'no' responses on a PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire) and lung disease questionnaire

Each subject will:
* Perform an incremental cycling test to max
* Five critical power tests of varying lengths
* Two 6 x 100 kJ rides
* Four training days spaced out over two weeks

Time commitment will be approximately two times per week for 0.5 to 1.5 hours each session. Some pre-testing procedures must be adhered to. Testing will be during the week, daytime hours.

* You will get a free VO2 max test
* You will receive valuable training information

Contact: Nancy Scholz at 220-3412 or


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