Canadian Cyclist


September 27/19 10:41 am - Cervelo to Move HQ to California

Posted by Editoress on 09/27/19

Cervelo, the Canadian startup bike company that grew to become one of the premier road brands is about to lose its last connection to Canada, with the announcement in a dealer letter that they are moving to southern California from the Toronto headquarters that they been their home for many years.

The letter, addressed to 'Cervelo Retail Partners', states,"In 2020, Cervelo will be relocating its headquarters to Southern California to more deeply engage with our devoted customer base; to attract and recruit from an experienced, local talent pool; and to be at the center of a cycling ecosystem that is already an integral part of daily life throughout the year.  This new location will offer more opportunities for engagement with riders, hiring to augment our retail support plan, dealer training and education, and plans for a more interactive customer experience."

Founded by Gerard Vrooman and Phil White, engineering students at McGill University in Montreal, the company was sold to the Dutch-based Pon Holdings in 2012, but the headquarters and design facility stayed in Toronto on Leswyn Road in Toronto.  Both founders left the company, and now the last remaining Canadian connection is gone.


To learn more about Cervelo's history read our Review - To Make Riders Faster, the Story of Cervelo


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