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IMBA Canada - Dec 14


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Tour de Beauce: Stage 2

Canadian National Team rders put on embrocation for the cold rainy weather 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Canadian National Team rders put on embrocation for the cold rai 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
A smile from Canadian champion Ryan Roth (Champion System) at the start 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: A smile from Canadian champion Ryan Roth (Champion System) at th 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
The jerseys before stage 1: Jim Stemper (5-Hr Energy), Tanner Putt (Bontrager), Jasper Stuyven (Bontrager) and Guillaume Boivin (Canada) 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: The jerseys before stage 1: Jim Stemper (5-Hr Energy), Tanner Pu 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Short-lived early attack 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Short-lived early attack 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Yellow jersey Jasper Stuyvan sits behind his Bontrager teammates 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Yellow jersey Jasper Stuyvan sits behind his Bontrager teammates 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Field is single-filed in the rain early in the stage 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Field is single-filed in the rain early in the stage 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Riders are dropped  at the road starts going up 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Riders are dropped  at the road starts going up 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Riders in the field try to stay warm 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Riders in the field try to stay warm 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Christian Meier, Rob Britton and Marsh Cooper of the Canadian National Team 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Christian Meier, Rob Britton and Marsh Cooper of the Canadian Na 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Jonathan McCarty (Bissell), Joey Rosskopft (Hincapie Sportswear) and Bobby Sweeting (5-Hr Enrgy) in the break 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Jonathan McCarty (Bissell), Joey Rosskopft (Hincapie Sportswear) 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Field masses behind the Bontrager team 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Field masses behind the Bontrager team 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Jim Stemper (5-Hr Energy) jumps from the field to get remaining KOM points 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Jim Stemper (5-Hr Energy) jumps from the field to get remaining  		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
The field sticks together 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: The field sticks together 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Philip Mooney )Jamis-Hagens Berman) flats on the climb 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Philip Mooney )Jamis-Hagens Berman) flats on the climb 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
The field climbs on the way to second KOM 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: The field climbs on the way to second KOM 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Novo Nordisk leads the chase on first lap 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Novo Nordisk leads the chase on first lap 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Tour de Beauce stage 2 podium: 1st Guillaume Boivin (Canada), 2nd Matthias Friedemann (Champion System), 3rd Jasper Stuyven (Bontrager) 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Tour de Beauce stage 2 podium: 1st Guillaume Boivin (Canada), 2n 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Guillaume Boivin (Canada) also claims the white points jersey 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Guillaume Boivin (Canada) also claims the white points jersey 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
The jerseys after stage 2: Jim Stemper (5-Hr Energy) in KOM, Guillaume Boivin (Canada) in yellow and asper Stuyven in red 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: The jerseys after stage 2: Jim Stemper (5-Hr Energy) in KOM, Gui 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
The break still has 30 seconds at they start their final lap 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: The break still has 30 seconds at they start their final lap 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Canadian National Team takes over the front with one finishing circuit left 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Canadian National Team takes over the front with one finishing c 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Guillaume Boivin (Canada National Team) wins stage 2 of Tour de Beauce 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Guillaume Boivin (Canada National Team) wins stage 2 of Tour de  		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux
Guillaume Boivin (Canada National Team) takes over the yellow jersey 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: Guillaume Boivin (Canada National Team) takes over the yellow je 		COPYRIGHT: Lyne Lamoureux

Related Galleries

Tour de Beauce June 11/13 - June 16/13, St Georges, QC

Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6

Copyright notice: The photos that appear on are all subject to copyright, and MAY NOT be reproduced in any form, anywhere else without permission. Contact Canadian Cyclist to request permission

Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist

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