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P2A Cento CC-2 Feb17




Share the Road - Dec 14

IMBA Canada - Dec 14


Copyright notice: The photos that appear on are all subject to copyright, and MAY NOT be reproduced in any form, anywhere else without permission. Contact Canadian Cyclist to request permission

Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist


BC Bike Race (BCBR): Day 6

Everyday starts with some amazing coffee. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Dave Silver Photography
Man made constructions for your riding pleasure. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Getting buck wild in the Lycra. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Dave Silver Photography
Fun days but still long, hard days. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
Sonya Looney ripping and ripped. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
Mike Levy on his way home to the conclusion of Day 6, Squamish. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
BC Ferries rider Barry Beck motors home through Crumpet woods. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Dave Silver Photography
Rainforest electric green surrounds riders throughout the day. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
A change in the leaders jersey for the open womens category. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Kids race number 5 for the week, fun for all. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: COPYRIGHT ERIK PETERSON, PHOTOGRAPHER 2014
The start boxes get drawn out to direct racers. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: COPYRIGHT ERIK PETERSON, PHOTOGRAPHER 2014
Rocky Mountain Team of two men, the fastest on the Day, Squamish BC. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: COPYRIGHT ERIK PETERSON, PHOTOGRAPHER 2014
Bears Den hosts, John and Mike decked out in their finest. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Dave Silver Photography
Another start line, but this one under the granite monolith called The Chief. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
Our man Sam plays the Star Spangled Banner, Hendrix style, Happy July 4th. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: COPYRIGHT ERIK PETERSON, PHOTOGRAPHER 2014
The first hill and the race is on. Yellow is a popular color at the front. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
Jurasic park or more commonly known as Rupert
Lea Davison shreds the gnar on her way to victory. 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: MARGUS RIGA
Gnar, loam, slab, sweet! 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:

Related Galleries

BC Bike Race (BCBR) June 29/14 - July 5/14, Sunshine Coast, BC

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7

Copyright notice: The photos that appear on are all subject to copyright, and MAY NOT be reproduced in any form, anywhere else without permission. Contact Canadian Cyclist to request permission

Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist

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