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Share the Road - Dec 14

IMBA Canada - Dec 14


Copyright notice: The photos that appear on are all subject to copyright, and MAY NOT be reproduced in any form, anywhere else without permission. Contact Canadian Cyclist to request permission

Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist


Hell of the North: Part two

David Anthony and his custom built True North 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Jan Safka 2012
Paced start  		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Rolling out  		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Race starts up 9th Line 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Early race action 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Early race action 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Jeff Moote (RealDeal) 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
The pace picks up 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Grahame Rivers (Real Deal) 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
An early break 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Chris Prendergast (JetFuel) 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
The womens HOTN eventual winner takes the lead 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
The hills begin 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Peter Morse & Mark Palma keeping near the front 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
More hills 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Peter Morse forces the pace up the Kennedy Rd Hill 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Andrew Merrick (Right) with Morse on the front 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Rivers leads a thinning pack 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Gaps starting to show everywhere 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Larbi Benhabib attacking whats left of the field 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Larbi Benhabib 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Larbi Benhabib 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Rivers attacks 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Front group back together 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Front group back together 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Benhabib attacks once again taking one rider with him 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Benhabib attacks once again taking one rider with him 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
The gap opening up  		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Larbi rides off alone and will enter Boag road section alone 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Nathan Chown leads the group Boag Rd section 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Chris Prendergast 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Andrew Merrick & Benhabib 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Eventual Winner Nigel Roedde 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Grahame Rivers 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Mark Palma leads the rest at the end of the 1st off road section 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
More riders exit Boag Rd  		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Jeff Moote trails the lead group out 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Trouble clipping in after Boag Rd 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Chase group forms 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Peter Morse chasing onto the 2nd chase group 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Grahame Rivers 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
2nd Chase group with 3 from RealDeal  		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
a couple of chasing groups come together 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
The leaders: Christopher Prendergast & Nathan Chown 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
The 2 leaders 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Chase group led by Larbi Benhabib 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Leaders finally caught 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Trevor ODonnell attacking  		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:
Trevor ODonnell attacks a few KMs before the Trench Trail 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT:

Related Galleries

Hell of the North May 10/15 - May 10/15,

Part one
Part two
Part three

Copyright notice: The photos that appear on are all subject to copyright, and MAY NOT be reproduced in any form, anywhere else without permission. Contact Canadian Cyclist to request permission

Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist

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