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P2A Classic CC-2 Feb8




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IMBA Canada - Dec 14


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Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist


Vallnord, Andorra World Cup: DH Final

Mille Johnset  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: JohnsetM 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Mille Johnset  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: JohnsetM 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Anna Newkirk 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: NewkirkA 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Anna Newkirk 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: NewkirkA 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Valentina Holl 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: HoellV 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Valentina Holl 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: HoellV 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Lucas Cruz 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: CruzL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Lucas Cruz 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: CruzL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Lucas Cruz 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: CruzL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Patrick Laffey 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: LaffeyP 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Patrick Laffey 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: LaffeyP 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Elliot Jamieson 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: JamiesonE 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Seth Sherlock 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: SherlockS 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Seth Sherlock 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: SherlockS 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Seth Sherlock 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: SherlockS 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Seth Sherlock 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: SherlockS 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loris Vergier 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: VergierL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Tracey Hannah  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: HannahT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Finn Iles  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: IlesF 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loic Bruni  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BruniL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Troy Brosnan 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BrosnanT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Tracey Hannah 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: HannahT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Rachel Atherton 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: AthertonR 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Marine Cabirou 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: CabirouM 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Marine Cabirou 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: CabirouM 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Henry Fitzgerald 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: FitzgeraldH 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Henry Fitzgerald 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: FitzgeraldH 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Forrest Riesco 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: RiescoF 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Forrest Riesco 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: RiescoF 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Finn Iles 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: IlesF 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Mark Wallace 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: WallaceM 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loris Vergier 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: VergierL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loris Vergier 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: VergierL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Troy Brosnan 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BrosnanT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Troy Brosnan 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BrosnanT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loic Bruni  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BruniL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loic Bruni  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BruniL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Loic Bruni  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: BruniL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
L to r: Anna Newkirk, Valentina Holl, Mille Johnset 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_NewkirkA_HoellV_JohnsetA 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Patrick Laffey 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_SherlockS 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Lucas Cruz , Matteo Iniguez, Patrick Laffey 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_CruzL_InguezM_SherlockS 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
World Cup leader Thibaut Daprela 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_DaprelaT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
L tor: Emilie Siegenthaler, Marine Cabirou, Rachel Atherton, Tracey Hannah, Eleonora Farina 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_SiegenthalerE_CabirouM_AthertonR_HannahT_FarinaE 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
L tor: Emilie Siegenthaler, Marine Cabirou, Rachel Atherton, Tracey Hannah, Eleonora Farina 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_SiegenthalerE_CabirouM_AthertonR_HannahT_FarinaE 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Fun with bubbly 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_SiegenthalerE_CabirouM_AthertonR_HannahT_FarinaE 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Fun with bubbly 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_SiegenthalerE_CabirouM_AthertonR_HannahT_FarinaE 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
World Cup leader Tracey Hannah  		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_HannahT 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
L tor: Amaury Pierron, Loris Vergier , Loic Bruni, Troy Brosnan, Danny Hart 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_PierronA_VergierL_BruniL_BrosnanT_HartD 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
L tor: Amaury Pierron, Loris Vergier , Loic Bruni, Troy Brosnan, Danny Hart 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
L tor: Amaury Pierron, Loris Vergier , Loic Bruni, Troy Brosnan, Danny Hart 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_PierronA_VergierL_BruniL_BrosnanT_HartD 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Its a champagne shower 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_PierronA_VergierL_BruniL_BrosnanT_HartD 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Its a champagne shower 		CREDITS:  		TITLE:  		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
World Cup leader Loic Bruni 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: ceremony_BruniL 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs
Matteo Iniguez 		CREDITS:  		TITLE: IniguezM 		COPYRIGHT: Ego-Promotion / Max Fuchs

Related Galleries

Vallnord, Andorra World Cup July 5/19 - July 7/19, Vallnord, Andorra

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DH Final
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Copyright notice: The photos that appear on are all subject to copyright, and MAY NOT be reproduced in any form, anywhere else without permission. Contact Canadian Cyclist to request permission

Copies of the photographs can be requested by contacting Canadian Cyclist

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